Head to mid thigh mip image showing negative study (left), Head to mid thigh PET/CT coronal image shows negative study (right)
Lung window CT coronal image shows covid-19 infection in both lungs (left) and Lung window PET/CT coronal image shows higher uptake due to covid-19 infection in both lungs (right)
CT axial image shows covid-19 infection in both lungs (left) and PET/CT axial image shows covid-19 infection in both lungs (right)
3D CT image shows covid-19 infection in both lungs

A young male with lymphoma contracting Covid-19

Dr. Muayad Mahmud
Medya Diagnostic Center
2 min readOct 8, 2020


Background: Patients with lymphoma are known to have abnormality within their bone marrow, which produces cells of immune system. Therefore, those cells are impacted and they have impaired immune function. Additionally, most of chemotherapy treatments that lymphoma patients need to take suppress immune activity. Consequently, these treatments also place patients at an increased risk for infection with Covid 19.

Clinical History: Known case (28 years male) of lymphoma diagnosed in October 2019. Biopsy showed chronic B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder. First PET/CT scan was done on October 22, 2019 and patient subsequently received 04 cycles of chemotherapy till January 18, 2020. PET/CT scan was repeated on February 08, 2020 and the patient received further 02 cycles of chemotherapy.

Our Findings: This is an abnormal FDG avid PET/CT scan.

As compared to previous PET/CT scan dated February 08, 2020 there is interval appearance of infective changes in lungs (COVID-19), otherwise, no abnormal FDG avid hypermetabolic lesion seen in the PET/CT scan to suggest the recurrence of disease.



Dr. Muayad Mahmud
Medya Diagnostic Center

Nuclear Medicine Manager, Medya Diagnostic Center-Erbil, Researcher at Erbil Polytechnic University-Erbil.