Case: An old male with Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC)

Dr. Muayad Mahmud
Medya Diagnostic Center
1 min readOct 1, 2020


Background: Lung cancer includes two main types: Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) which represents 85–90% of all lung cancer and Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). Small-cell lung cancer is known to grow rapidly and spread more quickly. The major cause of both lung cancer types is tobacco smoking.

Clinical History: A 68-year male, known case of SCLC lung right upper lobe, status post biopsy dated April 21, 2020. FDG PET/CT was recommended for staging.

Our findings: This is an abnormal baseline FDG PET/CT study.

A hypermetabolic mass in upper lobe of right lung in parahilar region with perilesional pneumonitis and atelectatic changes.

Hypermetabolic enlarged mediastinal and inseparable right hilar nodes (likely metastases).

Hypermetabolic subcentimetre paracaval and right common iliac nodes (likely metastases).

Moderate right pleural effusion with multiple hypermetabolic right pleural deposits.

Minimal pericardial effusion.

No evidence of hypermetabolic hepatic, splenic, adrenal or bony metastasis.



Dr. Muayad Mahmud
Medya Diagnostic Center

Nuclear Medicine Manager, Medya Diagnostic Center-Erbil, Researcher at Erbil Polytechnic University-Erbil.