Case Study: A young male with Hodgkin Lymphoma

Dr. Muayad Mahmud
Medya Diagnostic Center
2 min readJul 23, 2020


Background: A large number of new cases of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) are diagnosed annually in Iraqi Kurdistan. The incidence is highest in young adults and in elderly patients. HL is a highly curable disease, more than 80% of all diagnosed patients with HL are likely to be long-term survivors. Only some of patients have resistant disease and can experience relapse even after subsequent high-dose chemotherapy.

Clinical History: 26 years male, known case of Hodgkin Lymphoma, status post right neck nodal biopsy (May 17, 2020), FDG PET/CT for staging.

Our findings: This is an abnormal baseline FDG PET/CT study.

Hypermetabolic bilateral cervical, axillary, mediastinal and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy.

Mild right pleural effusion and hypermetabolic bilateral pleural thickening, largest deposit in lingular segment.

Hypermetabolic lymphomatous deposits in lower lobe of right lung.

No evidence of hypermetabolic hepatic, splenic, adrenal or marrow deposit.

Stage IV.



Dr. Muayad Mahmud
Medya Diagnostic Center

Nuclear Medicine Manager, Medya Diagnostic Center-Erbil, Researcher at Erbil Polytechnic University-Erbil.