General Membership FAQ

Published in
6 min readOct 28, 2021

I’m in the DAO — what now?!

Welcome! We’re excited to have you join us on the frontier of the Metaverse. We’re excited to get to know you and we want you to get to know our Community! So as soon as you can, jump into our Discord #introductions channel and say hi! Browse around and meet your fellow MeebitsDAO members and explore projects and topics that interest you. Review our welcome page and rules and be sure to check out the #announcements page. You can also start collecting Daily Tokens using the command !daily in the #🤖-bot-commands channel.

What is the MeebitsDAO General Membership Token?

The MeebitsDAO General Membership token is an NFT that, in addition to the NFT artwork, provides you with access to the MeebitsDAO Discord. Over time, MeebitsDAO General Members will also be able to impact DAO decisions and votes through a Delegates system to be announced in the coming weeks. In sum, you are buying a piece of art and a club membership. This NFT is not a security.

How do I collect Daily Discord Rewards?

Daily Tokens are collected through the #🤖-bot-commands channel. Follow the daily command and enter “!daily” which will keep track of how many tokens your account accrues. You can redeem these tokens later on for merchandise and other fun prizes!

What does MeebitsDAO do?

MeebitsDAO is a development hub. We are a vehicle for incubating and funding a series of innovative projects that will develop the ecosystem around Meebits. We aren’t hanging in the wings waiting for the metaverse to build itself, we want to shape it by creating small interconnected pieces of it and by bringing our Meebits to life, making them interactive, and letting them interact with each other.

We do this by balancing the collective goals of the members of the DAO as fairly as possible, making sure everyone’s voice is heard — and at the same time making sure that there is momentum around decision-making and clear accountability around milestones and delivery of our projects.

What is the MeebitDAO roadmap?

The roadmap is our strategic plan that defines our goals and desired outcomes for the DAO! We’ve laid out our major steps and milestones that we’ll need to reach in order to reach those goals!

2021- 2022 Roadmap

May 2021 — MeebitsDAO community established on Discord

June 2021 — Founding membership is open

July 2021 — Developer proposals & Team applications received, Hackathon takes place

August 2021 — Round 1 Project proposals are voted on, project teams receive initial funding towards their first milestone

October 2021 — General membership is open. Small projects are completed, larger projects move into Round 2 & receive additional funding


Q2 2022 — Target for first larger project to be acquired by 3rd party, returning value to the fund

What are MeebitDAO’s current goals and active projects?

An important item on the MeebitsDAO agenda was to approve a Short-Term Budget that allowed us to start building products and events ahead of opening General Membership. Another significant item was to open General Membership. With these two major milestones under our belt, our current goals are to continue supporting large projects and to complete smaller projects while also familiarizing our new members with MeebitsDAO so everyone is empowered to participate in the creation of new products and events.

One of our current projects is the Meebit Photobooth, creating high-resolution Meebit Avatars. You can read more about that here.

Where can I read the Charter?

The MeebitsDAO Charter is available to read here.

How can I contribute?

There are many ways to contribute to the MeebitsDAO! We built this DAO because we believe bringing our ideas to life requires a collaborative and accountable community. Engagement will be the currency that keeps the engine of our DAO running and enlivens this Community.

To contribute, participate in the discussion around the weekly items being proposed for the Founders to vote on, collect Daily Discord rewards, engage with fellow members via Discord, share your ideas, submit proposals and discuss upcoming votes and initiatives. You can also become a Meebits evangelist by spreading the word about us across your networks and engaging with us on our social media channels.

How does voting work?

We operate under a Delegated Governance Model. In this model, there are two types of members: Founding Members and General Members. Founding Members vote directly using a platform called Snapshot while General Members delegate their voting power to a Founder using Delegate Tokens ($MVOX). When you delegate your voting power to a particular Founder, it increases the weight of that Founder’s vote. Here is how the weight of a Voting Member’s vote is calculated on a given issue:

Voting Power = Meebits Held (20 max) x Delegate Tokens

How do Delegate Tokens ($MVOX) work?

The $MVOX token ‘powers’ the voting structure of our Tokenized Governance Model. Your General Membership NFT token can be used to generate $MVOX ERC-20 tokens. You will also receive a $MVOX for each month you hold a General Membership token. Over time, as you collect monthly tokens, your voting power and influence of the direction of the DAO increase through your support of the Voting Members to whom you delegate your tokens.

Who are the Founding Members?

Founding Members are our Voting Members who currently comprise about 200 Founder Representatives. Founder Representatives are the creators as well as our original and early investors of MeetbitsDAO. Each Founder has at least 1 Voting Seat, but they cannot hold more than 20. Voting Seats are issued by NFTs which are exchangeable 1:1 with a Meebit (1 Meebit gets 1 Vote). In this model, the DAO itself is a kind of Virtual Government where our Meebits are our representatives.

When does voting take place?

Voting occurs on a weekly schedule, starting each Wednesday at 08:00 GMT and ending each Wednesday at 20:00 GMT. At least 10% of the Voting Members must cast a vote for that vote to be valid. Additionally, a vote will only be accepted if greater than 50% of the Total Weighted Voting Power votes in favor on a given issue.

Where do I vote?

The voting platform we use is Snapshot. This is where Founding Members directly cast their votes and where you can monitor the voting status of active and closed proposals.

Can I submit proposals to the community?

Absolutely! Time is precious, so we want to incentivize the community to work on projects that we initiate as a DAO, but equally, we want to create a structure for entities to sponsor bounties that define specific projects to work on. The structure we use follows the RFP (Request for Proposal) process and all proposals must be written in consultation with the DAO to make sure they fit within the overall charter. Larger RFPs may even be voted on.

How are proposals (RFPs) submitted to the community?

To provide structure around our projects, there are three primary steps that take a project from inception to project approval and sponsorship:

Step 1: RFP (Request for Proposal)

All projects will start with an RFP memo that defines the scope, deliverables, bounties, and timeline of a project.

Step 2: Team Proposals

In response to the RFP, a member of the community should lead the response, and write a proposal outlining an approach to completing the project, or one of the bounties.

Step 3: Sponsor Approval

Upon receiving proposals by the due date for the RFP, the sponsor will choose whether or not to accept and move forward with a team’s proposal.

Where do I submit my proposals for the community?

Proposals are submitted via Github where you will also find more details regarding RFP requirements as well as a proposal template.

How do I stay up-to-date?

Discord is our community hub for the MeebitsDAO. This is where we coordinate activities, make announcements and discuss new ideas. To stay informed you may also want to sign up for our weekly newsletter, MeebitsDAO News, and follow us on social media. You can find official links on our Discord Welcome board.

Who do I reach out to if I have additional questions?

Our Discord admins can assist you with additional questions. Please don’t be shy and reach out!


MeebitsDAO Medium: Lots of good foundational information can be found here!

MeebitsDAO Charter: The governance structure for the DAO.

The MeebitsDAO Discord itself: Go get acquainted! Check out the #announcements channel and the #general chat.

