$MBBT Milestones — Meebits buyback, giveaway & liquidity pool

Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2021

For every 20% milestone, we’ll be buying ~10 Meebits for the pool and giving away a Meebit to $MBBT holders in a competition!


Get $MBBT Tokens to participate on SZNS.io


The $MBBT story so far…

First Meebit for the giveaway

Buyback Milestones

1 Meebit giveaway for each 20% mark

Since we passed the 20% mark, we’re going to run a competition giving away a Meebit every time we hit 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% — potentially giving away 5 Meebits to $MBBT holders who participate.

100% Meebits Buyback (to 50% distribution)

Up to 50% distribution, we will use all of the collected funds for the Meebits buyback

90% Meebits Buyback / 10% Liquidity Pool (over 50% distribution)

Over 50% distribution, we will dedicate 10% of the collected funds to a liquidity pool for $MBBT / ETH.

Join us in the Discord via MeebitsDAO.world

