MeebitsDAO: Blue Ticket FAQ

Part 2 of the Dissect the Dissected Event

2 min readJul 16, 2021


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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I get a Blue Ticket?

Q: Why am I being asked for my Twitter username & password?

This is from the Twitter site, not KryptoSign. If you are logged into Twitter with the same web browser as when you open KryptoSign you won’t see this. If you are concerned, login to Twitter separately and return to the KryptoSign page.

Q: Do I need to own a Meebit to participate?

It’s open to everyone– it’s a great opportunity to join the Meebits family by owning some Dissected shards!

Q: When will the airdrop happen?

Soon after the promotion ends on 23 July 2021, we will begin to run the airdrop. All tickets should be distributed after 26 July 2021.

Q: Where can I find my ticket?

You should be able to see your ticket on OpenSea in your collection.

Q: When will the winners be announced?

The date of the live event has not yet been posted. Follow this blog, or MeebitsDAO on Twitter for more information.

Q: Where can I get the Gold tickets?

See the Gold Ticket FAQ

Any other questions?

Ask us on Twitter: MeebitsDAO and we’ll update this FAQ!

