Next Steps for MeebitsDAO

The Roadmap Ahead…

Carly Reilly
5 min readSep 29, 2021


Restating our common goal–

We want to create a vehicle for funding a series of innovative projects that will develop the ecosystem around Meebits.

This week is a big one. In short order, our Founders will start to vote on the DAO’s charter. From there, we can initiate the sale of General Membership tokens and open the Discord to the broader community. And this, then, paves the way for the DAO to take its final form and begin fulfilling its highest mission!

Given all this, we felt it was time to provide a roadmap update and outline a number of projects we currently have in development. We haven’t set dates or deadlines for these yet, as nearly everything that follows is a work-in-progress to discuss and debate as a community. The decision to finish — or not — some of these ultimately rests with the DAO itself. And, of course, as we get closer to unlocking the treasury funds, we welcome proposals directly from the community about where our collective energy and resources should be spent. With those caveats in mind, here is what we have in the works:

  1. Club Dissected

The vision for this is to create a cool sub-brand within the DAO. It would be open to anyone who owns shards of dissected Meebits (like those who acquired some during the broader Divergence Ventures fractionalized Meebits project ) — not just those who won DSMB within the existing DAO. This would allow us to pull in a wider audience of Meebits owners to the Discord after general membership and provide an avenue for experimenting with merch drops and other initiatives.

(Some of the merch is already designed, by the way, and looks 🔥🔥.)

2. Flat Meebits PFP Airdrop

You’ve seen them before: the 2D Meebit renderings that kaigani, ginzaETH, and others use for their personal profile picture. As part of our mission to get Meebits everywhere, we’d like to make flat Meebit pfps a perk for all DAO members!

Thanks to Brody.eth, we have the design elements needed for this project, but are looking for the right technical support to push it over the finish line.

3. 3D Printed Meebits

While Larva Labs has posted their own how-to for 3D printing your Meebit, we’d like to streamline that process even further for DAO members.

At the moment, we are talking with toy maker, CryptoKaiju, as our first potential partner for this initiative, as they have experience working with Dapper Labs and other NFT projects. You can read more about their proposal here.

4. Meebits in the Sandbox + Decentraland

With one successful Decentraland event behind us, we’re excited to start planning a second, even more ambitious one. For that, we’ve called in the help of DAO member, Kerimbonia, who was instrumental in planning the previous event. At the moment we’re looking into providing wearable Meebit heads and POAPs for every attendee, but the scope could expand from there…

In the meantime, DAO member, Jin, continues his great work creating Meebit VRM files that allow for better Meebit renderings in the Metaverse.

5. Meebits Photo Booth

Earlier this year, we launched the Meebits Photo Booth in the Discord channel. This project allows Meebit owners to take pictures of their Meebit posing in different positions, and was born out of a hackathon hosted by our sponsor, BLOCK::BLOCK.

We’d love to take this photo booth to the next level.

While there are some basic user experience upgrades we’d like to make to the current product, we also think this is a project that could go much bigger: adding video capabilities, turning it into an iPhone app, using it as a way to create sprites of Meebits in different angles for use in the metaverse, and offering it up for use by other 3D “metagang” projects!

It’s up to the DAO to decide just how far we take it!

6. Hackathon/Gamejams

We know the MeebitsDAO is already filled with talented developers, and we believe more will likely come in after we open up General Membership. As such, we want to create opportunities via hackathons and game-jams for devs to show off their skills and bond with their fellow DAO members. And, of course, we see these as opportunities to attract new developer talent to the Meebits community and ecosystem!

7. Standing monthly bounty:

One effective use of treasury funds would be to offer monthly bounties to indie developers that help get Meebits out into the virtual world. As one example, we might offer funds for any developer that shows they’ve integrated Meebits as a playable character in a video game. The possibilities are limitless and we welcome ideas on this front.

We’re incredibly excited for this next, community-driven phase in the MeebitsDAO evolution. If any of these projects excites you, or if you have ideas for another, please don’t hesitate to reach out on Discord to kaycooper#6920 or Carly#8209.

That’s all for now!

