Meedan is at #ONA16!

Come say hi / hola / أهلا / bonjour / 你好 / नमस्ते

Tom Trewinnard
Meedan Updates
2 min readSep 12, 2016


We’re very excited to attend #ONA16 and can’t wait to meet some new faces, hear about the important and inspiring work going on in online news, and show you some of what we’ve been working on lately!


By way of organizational introduction: we’re Meedan, and we build tools for global journalism and translation.

We couldn’t get the whole team to Denver for ONA (it’s a long way from Salvador, Cairo and Vancouver!) but an intrepid group will make the trip:

Left to Right: an xiao mina leads the product team and thinks about translation in newsrooms; Tom Trewinnardleads verification trainings and research at Meedan (and occasionally sings backup for the Rolling Stones); ed bice is Meedan’s founder and leads our cat herding division


At #ONA16 we’ll be talking about two of the tools we work on: Check and Bridge.

Check supercharges your digital newsgathering with smart, collaborative ways to curate and verify top eyewitness content being published to social networks.

Bridge connects you with translators to take your content to new audiences or to help you understand the international perspective on news events.


We have a table in Midway’s buzzing Startup Alley, where we’ll be demoing Bridge, and we’ll be joining our friends at the First Draft Midway to demo Check.

Additionally, we’ll be talking about our tools, upcoming projects and general obsessions in the Bullring:

Thursday 12:40pm (Bullring)

Introducing First Draft Tools for Collaborative Verification

We’ll talk about Check, recent projects we’ve done with Bellingcat and WITNESS, and how we’ll be using the tool as part of the First Draft Newsroom.

Thursday, 3.55pm (Bullring)

Bridge: Break Down Language Barriers

We’ll talk about Bridge, some recent projects we’ve done with News Deeply, Public Radio International and National Geographic, and how you can use social media translation in your newsroom.

Friday, 10am — 12pm (Centennial Ballrooms)

Table Talks

If you’re interested in talking about language barriers in journalism, look for An at the Table Talks session. She’ll be discussing some of the recent research she did with the Nieman Foundation.



Tom Trewinnard
Meedan Updates

Founder & COO @fathmco working on creative solutions to emergent challenges in journalism // Innovation through collaboration @popupnews