The Checklist: Arab Saints Edition

Geolocation, bullsh*t news specialists, verifying video, and more

Tom Trewinnard
Meedan Updates
3 min readMay 20, 2015


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1. Geo-location expert Eliot Higgins shows how he tracked the origin of the missile launcher that took down MH17

Excellent extended video interview with Bellingcat founder Eliot Higgins demonstrating some of the techniques he and his team used to investigate the MH17 incident using open source investigations.

2. How to Manage, Verify Eyewitness Media on Social

Excellent new training opportunity via the folks at Eyewitness Media Hub.
The risk of running unverified hoaxes or misinformation, falling foul of copyright law and compromising standards of source protection are just some of the considerations that must be balanced against the rush to stay one step ahead and in the age of eyewitness media there is much more competitive pressure to be right than there is to be first.

3. The King of Bullsh*t News

“Teacher suspended after sex session with teen pupil ends up on hardcore porn website,” read the Mirror’s headline. The Daily Mail — the most successful English-language newspaper website in the world — even went so far as to claim that there would be a criminal investigation, and that this wasn’t the first time that the teacher in question had sexual relations with a student. There was just one problem: It wasn’t true.

4. How Citizen Journalists Tap Silk to Tell Underreported Stories

In late 2014, during the military escalation of the war in Ukraine, Bellingcat began publishing photos of tanks, heavy artillery, and soldiers posted on Twitter and other social media platforms. In February 2015, Higgins and his team of investigative citizen journalists started using the visualization platform Silk to show the wave of military equipment being rolled into Ukraine, ostensibly from Russia.

5. A pocket guide on verifying details of a video

At, we look at videos frequently, especially those from citizens. We treat these videos as tips and always strive to verify them through our own process and help from the community. Here, managing editor Malachy Browne walks you through how he verified videos of an airstrike in Syria.

6. From the Archives: Ukraine’s Activists Debunk Russian Myths on Crimea

Mainstream media in Russia, however, have been especially ardent at competing for people’s attention and defending the actions of the Russian government, attempting to present a very specific picture of events in Ukraine. In turn, Ukrainian Internet users and journalists have attempted to combat the flood of misinformation by creating fact-checking initiatives.

7. Debunk of the Week: Media gets it wrong on Arab saints

Independent Lebanese journalist Habib Battah takes some prominent UK and US media outlets to task over some ill-researched claims regarding a recent historic beatification.

Screenshot via Beirut Report.



Tom Trewinnard
Meedan Updates

Founder & COO @fathmco working on creative solutions to emergent challenges in journalism // Innovation through collaboration @popupnews