Check Vocabulary Guide

Meedan User Guides
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2018

The Check team is introducing this list of the terms used on Check to help you understand what they refer to.

  • Item: The smallest unit of an investigation in Check. In other words, this is a media item or a claim being verified, including the status and the entire timeline.

Claim: A quote with a headline and description

Media Item: This is a media object or link being verified. This could be any of the following: (Tweet, YouTube Video, Vimeo Video, Instagram Photo, Instagram Video, Facebook Post, Link, etc…)

  • Item Log: Where all the actions done on the media item are kept.
  • Entries: Individual entries in the log are called entries. These can include system responses, human responses to tasks, or free text entries made to the log.
  • Note: Notes added by users on the item’s page. Notes can either be added to the item’s log or below each task added to the item.
  • Related Claim: A media item added to another media item’s page that has something related to it.
  • Project: A grouping for items related to a theme, such as a topic, event or type of content.
  • Source: Original author or creator of a media link. This is distinct from the person who uploaded the media link to Check.

Task: Question added to an item to help with deciding on its verification status.

Task Response: Input added by user that directly responds to the question asked by the task. This is a special type of note that may contain structured data and is a direct response to the content of the task.

  • Tag: Category added to media items. Items can have multiple tags, and tags can be searched and indexed.
  • Teamwide Tag: Tag pre-added to the team that a user can choose to add. Teamwide tags are consistently applied, allowing for clean data.
  • Embed: Adding a media item to an external website.
  • Status: The status of a media item, as determined by a team member. Usually, this refers to whether it’s verified or false, but many teams create custom statuses.
  • Terminal Status: A status marked as terminal means the team has reached a verification decision or the item no longer requires further investigation. For example, “Verified” and “False” are terminal statuses but “In Progress” and “New” are not.
  • Profile: The page showing the user’s info and assigned media items
  • Team: A group of users working on the same topic. Team can have one or more projects under it.
  • Member: A user who is a part of the team.
  • Team admin (or admin): Team owner



Meedan User Guides

Meedan builds digital tools for global journalism and translation. Developers of @check and @speakbridge.