Meedan User Guides
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2018

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about using Check. Don’t see a question of yours answered here? Please feel free to reach out to check@meedan.com, and our support team will get back to you shortly.

  • I registered before on Check and was added to my team. I am logging again now but I cannot find it.

The reason could be that you registered the first time with one method, but you are using a different method today. Let’s say for example that if you used Facebook to login the first time and was added to a team, this team won’t show if you’re using your Twitter account logging in today. Check sees you as two different users at the moment.

To see the team you were added to, try logging in with the right method (social media account) that you used before.

  • I seem to be able to edit some Check content but not everything. Why is that happening?

Please know that we have different permissions levels given to different roles. You role should be showing next to your name in the top right user menu.

To know the exact permissions granted to each role, please have a look at our detailed “Roles” guide published on Medium

  • Why can’t I see my profile photo when I am logged in using Facebook?

If you have an ad blocker enabled on your browser, this might be why you cannot see your photo. You have to enable it first from your browser settings.

We’ve noticed this happening with some ad blockers but not all, privacy badger is one of those blocking your Facebook photo.

If you are using Disconnect plug-in you won’t see your avatar if you are signing in by Twitter or FB, we recommend that you whitelist Check from Disconnect to solve the problem.

  • Sometimes Check pages aren’t fully loaded. Why is this happening?

This can be caused by a browser extension like NewsGuard, You will have to delete the browser extension to fully experience Check.

If you are using Disconnect plug-in FB posts and tweets won’t be fully loaded on Check, please whitelist Check from Disconnect settings.

  • Does embedding an item from my team expose all my team’s work to public?

Embedding an item from Check will only show this item and the work done on it. All other items will remain private if the team is set to private.

  • If I clicked embed, does this means that this item appears in Google Search?

No, this will not happen.

  • How can I keep my team private and only one item public?

There is currently no way to make one item public, but if you decided to embed this item to an external website it will be embedded even when the team is private without exposing other items added by the team.

  • When embedding, how can I disable usernames on a sensitive media item?

As a team owner, you can do this from the admin settings page. Go to edit your team and you’ll find a checkbox for “hiding usernames in embeds” check it and save. This will hide the usernames from items that will be embedded after applying this setting.

Don’t see a question of yours answered here? Please feel free to reach out to check@meedan.com, and our support team will get back to you shortly.



Meedan User Guides

Meedan builds digital tools for global journalism and translation. Developers of @check and @speakbridge.