Lock Status and Unlock Status

Meedan User Guides
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2018

While journalists, editors and owners can all change the status of an item on Check, sometimes team owners would like to close an investigation. The lock and unlock status feature provides extra control over this.

Owners and editors can choose to lock the status so that journalists cannot change the status of a specific item, and later on, they can unlock this status and allow other journalists to change it if needed.

From the actions menu of an item, there is “Lock status” action. If you click this, it will to hide the dropdown next to the status and keep it in the current status. It will also add a log note about this action.

Whenever you want to allow users to change this status as needed, you can still go to the actions menu and select “Unlock status”.

Once you unlock the status of an item, other journalists, editors and owners can normally change the status item as needed. A note is also added to the log about this action.



Meedan User Guides

Meedan builds digital tools for global journalism and translation. Developers of @check and @speakbridge.