Search on Check: A How-To

Meedan User Guides
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2017

By: Noha Daoud

Check’s search feature lets you find content floating around your site. It searches for report content, report titles and notes. Right now, search doesn’t auto-refresh, so you’ll just need to make sure you’re refreshing content to see the latest stuff.

How to Search

To start a search, go to the search icon on the top right corner of the page and click it.. This will take you to the search screen. It has a few important features:

  • The Search Bar: Type in any keyword here. We’ll teach you a few power tricks soon, but this is a good starting point.
  • Status: Find your team’s verification statuses here. Select one or many to include them in your search.
  • Project: Filter by the different projects active in your team. Select one or many.
  • Sort: You can sort by when the reports were created or when they last were updated in Check.
  • Show: You can either choose to show both media and sources, media only or sources only. Default selection is media only.

The same filters are also showing on the top of project page.

This is how the search page looks like:

Search on Check

Power Searching

Here are a few tips for more powerful searches:

  • ORing search results: If you want to retrieve results (items/sources) that have either of the search keywords, use this operator between them | . You can also used it with more than two keywords.


Searching for Elections | Media | Tuesday is expected yield these results:

Elections are to be held soon!

Media coverage is still on.

This incident was reported last Tuesday

Please note that this is a pipe NOT a capital i — they look the same but you have to use the pipe symbol for search!

  • ANDing search results: If you want to retrieve results (items/sources) that have both search keywords use this operator between them + . You can also used it with more than two keywords.


Searching for Elections + Media is expected to yield these results:

Elections live updates are to be covered on media.

Media coverage for elections is still on.

Searching for Elections + Media + Tuesday is expected to yield these results:

Elections live updates are to be covered on media this Tuesday.

This Tuesday, media has reported violations with the elections process!

  • You can also combine both operators in your search to get results in one step by including these parentheses ().


Searching for (Tuesday + (Media | Elections)) is expected to yield results for “Tuesday AND Media” and results for “Tuesday AND Elections”

This Tuesday, media has reported violations!

Elections results to be announced on Tuesday!

Searching for (Elections |(Media + Tuesday)) is expected to yield results for “Elections” and results for “Media AND Tuesday”

Elections updates!

Media coverage on Tuesday!



Meedan User Guides

Meedan builds digital tools for global journalism and translation. Developers of @check and @speakbridge.