Sources User Guide

Meedan User Guides
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2017

By: Noha Daoud

Users can add a YouTube channel, a Facebook Page/User or a Twitter account as sources on Check. They can add comments to each source on its detail page indicating if a source is credible or not.

Media added to Check with this source as author will be linked to it and show on its detail page.

Here is what the source detail page looks like:

Sources can be added manually from the input field, or created automatically for the any media author when adding a new media.

You can manually create a source by going to a project page (the project where you want to add the source for) and from the input box showing on the top of the page, choose the third icon annotated in the screen below. Clicking it should show you the source input field.

“Link to source” field is mandatory, this should be the link to the social media profile you want to add as source. It’s optional for you to add a “Source name”, if you choose to leave it empty, created source name will be the same as it is on the profile you provided. If you add a source name, it will override the default name of the profile.

Sources show on project page where there is a new filter to determine if you want to show both media and sources, media only or sources only. By default, only media items are listed.

To see all sources added to your project, from the “Show” filter select sources and deselect media so that you only have sources showing.

To add a comment to a source, click on it then you will be redirected to this source detail page as shown in the screen below.

Go to the notes tab, and type your comment in the input field then submit.

You can also edit a source to change, delete or modify some fields like social links, location, phone number, contact note, organization, languages and tags.

You can also choose to add custom fields by choosing “Other’ from the menu.

Adding social links related for one source will connect all social accounts added in the networks tab. If you add Facebook, YouTube and Twitter accounts of one source, a report created from any of these accounts and added to Check should be related to this one source.



Meedan User Guides

Meedan builds digital tools for global journalism and translation. Developers of @check and @speakbridge.