Tasks on Check

Noha Daoud
Meedan User Guides
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2017

Tasks allow you to create structured response fields for your colleagues while doing an investigation.

In the example below, you can see a Tweet along with a task just below it, asking when the event happened.

Completing a Task

Completing a task is simple. Just type in your response, add any qualifying information about it, and hit ‘resolve task’ button. This will save your response. (The image below is an animated GIF; if you don’t see it moving, just click reload to refresh and the animation should start again.)

Adding a Task

Adding a task is simple. Click “Add Task” and you’ll have a field to add the task, plus any description for the task to help your colleague complete it. You can also mark if this task requires an answer before resolving the media item.

Editing a Task Question

To edit a task question, click on the ••• on the task, and select “Edit.”

Editing Task Responses

To edit a task response, select the “edit response” link from the menu. Note that, right now, only the person who completed the task and team owners may edit responses.

Setting Default Tasks for Your Team

Team owners can set default tasks for all reports and projects, to ensure consistent data collection for each report. To do this, please contact an administrator at Meedan at check@meedan.com, and we’ll get you set up.

