Team Tasks

Meedan User Guides
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2018

The team owner can create team-wide tasks from the team management page. These tasks will be added to all new items under the projects they select. This helps if teams have a set of specific tasks that have to get answered in the process of verification.

As an owner, go to your team page and click the settings gear icon.

The settings page has different tabs. Select to view “Tasks”.

If you have any team-wide tasks, they will show here. You can use the filter menu at the right to control what you want to see from your tasks. If it’s your first time to add team-wide tasks, you can go ahead and start creating a new one.

From the “Add Task” link, select the type of task you want to create and type in your question. You can also choose to add this to some of the projects under your team, or you can apply it to all projects.

Once the task is created, it will automatically show for each new item created under any of the selected projects. It will not be applied retroactively to existing items.

You can also use this view to edit or delete already created tasks. This is especially useful if a teamwide task is not relevant for a particular item or investigation.



Meedan User Guides

Meedan builds digital tools for global journalism and translation. Developers of @check and @speakbridge.