Guidelines for Contributing to the Meeds DAO Blog

Francis Osamade
Meeds DAO
Published in
7 min readMar 15, 2024

Written by: Francis Osamade

Meeds is an innovative platform that aims to boost engagement and reward user contributions in online communities. It introduces a distinctive reward mechanism that acknowledges and incentivizes its users’ efforts, creating a more active, cooperative, and inspired community. Meeds focuses on turning every form of participation, whether through creating content, engaging with others, or collaborating, into valuable contributions recognized with tangible rewards. This platform presents a fresh way for organizations to enhance participation and offer meaningful incentives to their community members.

Maximizing Your Success: A Writer’s Guide to Navigating Task Acceptance on Meeds Builders Hub

Meeds introduces a distinctive platform for content creators with its community hub, the Builders Hub, which encourages and rewards written contributions. By publishing on Meeds’ official Medium publication, writers can share their knowledge and perspectives, thus gaining recognition and rewards within the Meeds community.

This piece addresses a common obstacle encountered by many writers: the high rate of task rejections within the Meeds Builders Hub, where only a select few submissions are approved. Through a comprehensive, step-by-step guide, I aim to improve your likelihood of task acceptance on their platform significantly. This allows you to fully leverage the opportunities offered by Meeds DAO and thrive within its ecosystem.

Understanding Meeds’ Vision and Objectives

First and foremost, it is essential to understand Meeds's core values and objectives. Meeds is not just a platform for task completion; it is a community-driven ecosystem that values quality, engagement, and innovation. By aligning your contributions with these core values, you increase the likelihood of your tasks being approved. Spend time navigating through the platform, reading successful submissions, and familiarizing yourself with content that resonates with the Meeds community.

Adhering to Submission Guidelines

Each platform has its unique submission guidelines that must be meticulously followed. These guidelines often detail the acceptable format, style, and type of acceptable content. For Meeds, ensure that your task submissions are original and relevant to the community’s interests. The guidelines might also specify specific prohibitions, such as the use of excessive promotional content or copyright infringement. Familiarizing yourself with these rules can drastically reduce the chances of rejection.

Engaging with the Community

Active participation in the Meeds community, such as commenting thoughtfully, sharing insights, and joining discussions, can help get your tasks noticed and approved. Showing you care about the community’s growth can positively influence how the review team sees your submissions. However, you must understand that this approach is one of many factors the review team considers. They focus on fairness by matching our review effort with the effort you put into your content. The key is genuine effort; if your work seems hastily done, overly dependent on AI, or has many errors, there’s a higher chance it will be rejected. Also, remember that interacting with others in the community doesn’t heavily influence our decision-making process.

Seeking Feedback Before Submission

Before submitting your task for review, consider seeking feedback from peers within the Meeds community or external mentors familiar with your work. Constructive feedback can help you identify areas for improvement you might have overlooked. Incorporating this feedback can enhance the quality of your submission, increasing its chances of approval.

Tailoring Content to Audience Needs

Understanding the needs and preferences of the Meeds community can guide you in creating more targeted and appealing content. Conduct research to identify trends, interests, and gaps within the community. By tailoring your content to meet these needs, your tasks are more likely to be seen as valuable contributions, thus improving the likelihood of approval.

Continuous Learning and Improvement:

The landscape of online communities is ever-evolving, and staying informed about the latest trends and best practices is crucial. Invest time learning new skills, technologies, and methodologies that can add value to your contributions on the Meeds platform. Demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement can distinguish your submissions, making them more compelling to the review team.

Step-by-step instructions

Getting your articles accepted on Meeds requires understanding the community’s ethos, adhering to guidelines, engaging with fellow users, seeking constructive feedback, tailoring your content, and committing to continuous learning.

Remember, rejection is not the end but a stepping stone to refining your approach and enhancing the quality of your contributions.

By following this detailed, step-by-step guide, you can significantly improve your chances of success and become a valued contributor to the Meeds ecosystem.


  1. To become an official writer eligible for the blog, you must first write about Meeds on your Medium account.
  2. Your article must have been approved by the Meeds Builders’ Hub review team.

💡 Guidelines for your first article

Meeds provides detailed eligibility criteria for articles, detailed Content Writing Guidelines, and ideas for inspiration. Keep the following in mind when writing for Meeds:

  • The article you submit should contain original content, ensuring no plagiarism or reuse of material previously published elsewhere.
  • The text must be composed in exceptional-quality English and demonstrate a solid command of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, and stylistic nuances.
  • The article’s structure should also adhere to professional formatting standards, including clear organization, proper headings and subheadings, and careful attention to typographical details to enhance readability and engagement. This adherence to originality, language quality, and formatting is essential for the submission to meet the high standards expected.

🪜 The 4 Steps to Your First Article on Meeds DAO

After you have proven your capabilities with this first article, you’re only four steps to having your first contribution published on Meeds DAO’s official blog.

1️⃣ Apply for the writer role

Once your first article receives approval, the next step is to earn the writer role in Meeds DAO.

To do this, navigate to the “Official Writer 🏅” action, where you will find an application form. Here, you must submit your Medium username as part of the application. This step is crucial as it verifies your prior contribution and engagement with content related to Meeds on your Medium account.

2️⃣ Wait for a reply

After applying to be an official writer, the review team will evaluate your abilities to meet Meeds’ quality standards and principles. If you pass, you’ll receive a notification welcoming you as a writer for Meeds DAO, indicating you’ve joined our select group of content creators who embody our community’s values.

This achievement highlights your dedication and allows you to share your insights and expertise with a broader audience. As an official writer, you’ll contribute to our blog, participate in discussions, and shape Meeds DAO’s narrative and knowledge base.

3️⃣ Draft a new article

Once you’ve been added as a writer for Meeds DAO, you’re ready to contribute even more to our community. Start by drafting a new article in the Medium app or website. Medium’s tools make it easy to articulate your ideas engagingly, whether you’re sharing insights, exploring concepts, or discussing trends related to Meeds DAO.

4️⃣ Submit your story on Medium

After finalizing your article, you can submit it for consideration on Meeds DAO’s official Medium publication. This step requires you to highlight how your article contributes to the Meeds community’s interests and values.

The review process ensures that all content upholds our high standards of quality and relevance. Wait for an “✅ Accepted!” comment from the review team, and that’s it. Your article will be scheduled for publication and promoted on X and LinkedIn.

The process from submission to contribution highlights the Meeds’ dedication to excellence, creativity, and collaboration. It’s not just about publishing content but enriching a community where diverse ideas and voices contribute to collective growth. This journey celebrates individual achievements within a larger mission, emphasizing the importance of shared ideas and the impact of contributing to a vibrant, engaging community. It’s about nurturing talent and fostering meaningful discussions while maintaining high standards of quality and innovation.

Note: The abovementioned details are specific to Meeds and may not apply to all content platforms or publications. Processes, criteria, and experiences can vary. Always consult the specific guidelines of the platform you’re interested in for accurate information.

About Meeds: Meeds is a decentralized engagement platform for the future of work.

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Meeds DAO or any affiliated organizations



Francis Osamade
Meeds DAO

I am a crypto/ forex trader, and also a content creator/community manager