How Meeds is Evolving Work Dynamics and Innovation

Meeds DAO
Published in
6 min readJan 19, 2024

Digital engagement platforms are becoming more important to employees and employers as time progresses. Chances are, you have heard of them, yet you might need help understanding what they are all about or why they are growing in popularity.

Some digital employee engagement platforms empower employees to search across the entirety of the enterprise to pinpoint new opportunities.

Other platforms are more focused on improving employee collaboration and productivity. These platforms aim to facilitate the formation of connections and individual growth within the workplace. Whether a business owner, manager, or employee, you and your team will benefit from adding a digital employee engagement platform such as Meeds DAO.

What sets this category apart from platforms for offline work is that it is unrestricted by weak purchasing power in many markets. Instead, platforms for digitally delivered work can connect workers to service buyers across borders. Some of these platforms were accelerated in part by the COVID-19 pandemic and have since grown hugely over the past few years.

Meeds and Social Inclusivity

The World of Meeds (WoM) proposes a new paradigm that reinvents the employment relationship, bridging the gap between traditional corporations and DAOs. Meeds has huge potential to alleviate the youth unemployment challenge: create new work opportunities that were not previously possible, improve regularity and quality of work, increase income, and overcome traditional barriers to access for marginalized groups. The market fundamentals are challenging, and there needs to be more innovation in the space. Only some startups have succeeded, and only some funders can contribute effectively. There is little shared knowledge about what does and doesn’t work, and a lack of visibility and community limits the scope for collaboration. This is where Meeds comes in!

Meeds DAO fundamentally inspires thinking on how this nascent yet overlooked part of the digital economy interfaces with the physical.

Freelancing has certainly driven the category forward, involving skilled service providers using platforms to deliver services such as content creation, graphic design, and software development to customers worldwide.

On the more creative side of digitally delivered work, Meeds platforms enable young, skilled people to earn money in the form of $MEED tokens while contributing to the growth of an organization through active engagement.

‘Microwork’ has also gained prominence. Initially focused on transcription and content moderation, it has since evolved to a much wider range of activities, including data annotation for artificial intelligence (AI) programs. While freelancers are generally individually responsible for selling their services and capturing demand, Meeds DAO tends to play a much bigger role in curating work for users and managing quality. Built on the blockchain, Meeds DAO enables a wide distribution of monetizable' activities.'

Do you know why Meeds matters? This is mainly because it bridges the gap between corporations and DAOs. On the one hand, it introduces traditional corporations into the decentralized world through an easy-to-apply engagement-rewarding paradigm, complementing their compensation systems. Now, let’s take a look at other reasons.


The technology behind Meeds is simple to use, minimizing the effort for the organization to learn how to use it. It also addresses basic, simple needs. Too often, corporate technologies try to do too many different things, and many of those need to be simplified compared to the user's needs. The result is that most of the features still need to be used, and the ones used are less effective than they were since the same technology tries to do many different things, often very diverse from each other.

Connected Workforce

Creating a more connected workforce through Builders Hub is at the forefront of Meeds DAO. This is not only a matter of boosting morale and engagement but also a key factor in driving cultural change in an organization.

When your employees feel connected to each other, your vision, and your customers, they are more likely to embrace change, collaborate, and innovate.

But how can you use digital tools to foster this connection, especially in times of remote work and social distancing? Meeds DAO has an answer.

Meeds DAO is not just the technology but the resources it provides. We can see an industry trend of moving away from brand-led engagement; more and more candidates are after an authentic picture of ‘what it’s really like to do the job,’ and as such, this has led to an increase in peer-to-peer conversations and connections, which in turn drives engagement.

Creates a sense of community

Creating a sense of community among your employees and organization is another reason for using Meeds. This involves providing opportunities and spaces for them to interact, share, and learn from each other formally and informally. For instance, communication and collaboration platforms can encourage social and casual conversations, celebrate achievements, milestones, and events, organize virtual team-building activities, and facilitate knowledge sharing and peer learning. Doing so lets your employees feel more connected to each other and your organization’s culture and vision.

Promotes feedback and recognition

Creating a more connected workforce through Meeds helps promote feedback and recognition among team members. This involves providing mechanisms and channels for them to give and receive constructive and positive feedback and recognize each other’s contributions. For instance, you could use feedback and recognition systems to survey or poll employees for suggestions, provide timely and specific feedback in the form of comments, ratings, or badges, recognize and reward performance with bonuses, incentives, or awards, or encourage peer-to-peer recognition such as shout-outs or thank-yous.

In Meeds, users receive kudos from each other to show gratitude and a token of recognition for excellent work. Since they are rare and valuable, the kudos available to distribute are limited (3 per week). Each kudos carries a point. This way, employees are empowered to reward their colleagues.

In comparison to yearly reviews, employee surveys are periodic and require effort. They don’t have the same impact. Kudos have the advantage of being instant and peer-to-peer. They come on the spot and boost morale.

Promoting feedback and recognition can help your employees feel more connected to their work and your organization’s goals and values.

Aligns with your cultural change objectives

Another big role Meeds plays is aligning the skilled team with the organization’s cultural change objectives. This means ensuring the tools you use to support and reinforce the desired behaviors, mindsets, and outcomes you want to achieve. For instance, the Meeds platform can be used to communicate and reinforce your vision, mission, and values, showcase and celebrate examples of cultural change in action, involve and empower your employees in the change process, and measure and monitor the progress and impact of the change. By aligning with your cultural change objectives, your employees will be better connected to the change and your organization’s future success.

Unlocking workers potential

The result of using Meeds is the unlocking of worker potential. Meeds utilizes the data within organizations to develop a directory of people that serves as a whole and is greater than the sum of its parts. In short, Meeds serves as a convenient and efficient means of forging connections that advance employee interests and the organization’s collective interests. Take advantage of this dynamic people directory. Your team will develop individual profiles that everyone can access and sort through based on specific criteria ranging from roles to capacity, skills, interests, experience, and more.

Actions for engagement on Builder’s Hub

Provision of a Marketplace

Meeds provides an internal opportunity market. Such a market provides an invaluable opportunity for individuals to grow, advance their skills, and make meaningful contributions in the context of work. This marketplace provides opportunities for individuals searching for new projects, roles, support, and learning opportunities. A dynamic people directory is the structure and a connective platform to pair employees with opportunities throughout the organization. When used properly, this marketplace can transform the flow of work, ultimately helping employees make meaningful contributions and fulfill their true potential.

About Meeds: Meeds is a decentralized engagement platform for the future of work.

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Meeds DAO or any affiliated organizations



Meeds DAO

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