Uttr is now Meeo

Uttr is now Meeo

Edmandie Samonte
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2017


We thank everyone who participated in validating our concept with Uttr. Now we are releasing the final beta version of Uttr under its new name, Meeo.

Why change the name?

We decided on the name Uttr (“utter”) simply because in one word, it describes our goal with small devices, which is “to say a word, to make a sound, to say something aloud”. It is our guiding principle to simplify the explanation on how internet of things work. The plain word “utter” is already taken to be used for a domain utter.io. This type of case is pretty common for startups so we settle for a shortcut: uttr.

Unfortunately, more often than not, when we do our workshops and tech talks, at the end of our presentation, we were approached by some people asking “Free po ba ang U-T-T-R? (Is U-T-T-R free?)”. Even though all throughout our presentation we pronounce it correctly, it is still being spelled out. And heck, it sounds weird! Not good for the brand.

Why Meeo?

Naming a brand is really hard. In our case, we want to revolve around our area of expertise, internet of things, and at the same time we want to make it short (every byte count).

So what we did is we fooled around Google Translate (!!!). We stayed on our initial concept word — speak. We tried several languages but in the end, its the Greek translation that stands out: miló̱. It sounds pretty much “mee-lo”, so by playing around with it, we settled to Meeo.

So, what has changed from Uttr to Meeo?

Along with the brand is the new domain — https://meeo.io. And this time, we released the very thing that is missing from Uttr - the guides.

It was a mistake for us not releasing it early on. We thought speaking in front of the crowd will get their attention and prove that IoT is easy; they don’t need the tutorials. Damn, we were wrong! Listening on a tech talk is different from doing it on your own. A person’s attention span is not that long when you are listening on your third presentation already!

What will happen to Uttr?

Unfortunately, some big teams are already relying on Uttr’s infrastructure, hence we cannot put our big updates on it. In other words, you have to re-register to Meeo. It is still easy as 1,2,3! However, your widgets on Uttr will not be with you on Meeo; you have to re-create it. We did a very big change on our backend which caused incompatibilities with Uttr. Nonetheless, we are hoping that you will get a fresh start with Meeo.

Uttr will stay for some time until we are able to migrate the teams depending on it.

This time expect a much better Uttr, or should we say Meeo. We want you to learn internet of things in a fun and easy way. Don’t forget to check out the guides to kickstart your project! Learn. Create. Play.

