What is Global Citizenship for Me?

Global Citizenship AUCA
Meerim Nurlanbekova
2 min readOct 4, 2017

by Meerim Nurlanbekova

This image is taken from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/673921531710506916/

Looking anxiously over the courses for Fall semester, and having picked out more or less interesting courses, I felt unsatisfied. I had to choose courses that would fit my schedule, but not my internal desire to learn what I am interested in.

Registration was almost around. Looking at my potential list of courses over and over again, I thought I was not on the right path. I felt that some of the courses would just misguide me on my way to the direction I wanted to get to.

You might not believe, but at the very last minute a good friend of mine tagged me on the Facebook post that contained information about Global Citizenship course — the thing that interests me a lot. I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A GLOBAL CITIZEN…

-Why? You might ask me.

It is because I do not like borders and limits in my life. I do not like to divide people into you and we, because there is only US. I wan to be a good citizen of not only my country the Kyrgyz Republic, but also of the entire World called the Earth Republic.

My Global Citizenship desire is driven by my enthusiasm to advocate for women’s rights. I want to empower women across the World. This exiting desire came to my mind when I had heard about my mother’s story.

She was kidnapped. She was forced to marry a person who she did not like.

Some people claim it is our culture. It is our tradition. But should we tolerate things that harm human beings, then why should not we kidnap men as well?

We all witness gender equality. We all know that there is injustice towards females across Earth. I want to advocate for women and contribute to gender equality. I want to be a Global Citizen taking care of women in need.

Global Citizenship for me is advocating for all women in the World!

I really hope this course will equip me with necessary tools so I could bring positive alterations to out beautiful World by empowering women to fight for their voices.

“Be the change you want to see.”



Global Citizenship AUCA
Meerim Nurlanbekova

This blog has been created by students of American University of Central Asia Meerim Nurlanbekova and Somaya Fedayee.