Spreading love, care and support in times of Corona — What Meesho is doing to keep Meeshoites safe and productive!

Mangala Dilip
Meesho Tech
Published in
5 min readMar 23, 2020

By now we all know the meaning of #socialdistancing, having already worked from home since Friday, March 13, to help stop the spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus. Meesho was one of the early adopters of the Work From Home (WFH) facility, which has helped keep Meeshoites not only safe from Covid, but also prevented them from spreading it further.

Here are some important steps taken by Meesho to help us Meeshoites stay productive, comfortable and tension-free while working safely from home.

Regular feedback and communication with employees

Not only have Meeshoites been requested to WFH as the government and the health officials try to contain the pandemic, but we are also asked for our feedback on what changes we may need on a regular basis. The top management regularly touches base with the managers and team leaders who are constantly in communication with their teammates. These conversations without fail address the ways in which the company can ensure that employees are comfortable and have everything they need to do their work from home.

These conversations also extend to ensuring that everyone is safe from the Coronavirus and that they have not developed any symptoms associated with the new viral infection. The HR department is also following up with the employees who have travelled within and outside of India in the recent past, and keeping regular tabs on them. The company is on guard to offer help from their end if any employees were to be stricken with Covid-19.

The regular feedback and communication with the employees also help ensure that productivity is consistently high. We use many social media apps, including Google Hangouts, Zoom, and Whatsapp to keep in touch with each other and ensure that work does not suffer.

Sterilising the office regularly

Even though every employee of Meesho is working from home, the company is ensuring that regular fumigations and wiping down of regularly touched surfaces are in place. This practise started long before Corona was branded as a pandemic, and it helped the employees remain calm during widespread paranoia across the globe.

Hand sanitisers were placed at various places throughout the office, while the desks, tables, and other surfaces were wiped down by disinfectants twice a day. Fumigations were being conducted once a week, and even with the rest of the employees working from home, these practices continue on. The safety of the employees in charge of the sterilisation is also ensured by providing them with the right gear and equipment.

This practice also ensures that the office is ready for use when it is eventually deemed safe for us to return to office.

Meesho offices are being regularly cleaned and fumigated

Webinars on Corona

We have had webinars regularly that advise Meeshoits on the do’s and don’ts of Corona. These webinars also prioritise handing out verified information and advise us on the social decorum to be followed as we wait for the pandemic to pass.

Transparent communication from the CEO

For us Meeshoites, Fridays are usually the time to come together and discuss the nitty gritty of how the company is expanding and in what ways. While the WFH arrangement has put a stop to the weekly All Hands in a physical capacity, we have made this activity virtual so that everyone can take part while working from home.

Further, a weekly Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with our Co-Founder and CEO Vidit Aatrey has also begun. These give us a channel for transparency between the management and the employees regarding how the company is coming along during these trying times.

We also receive encouraging emails from Vidit that keep our morale high and let us know that he is open to anyone wishing to understand the business better. He also reminds us of our collective goal and why we need to continue giving it our 100 percent while working from home.

Reseller priorities

Meesho’s success lies in the success of the resellers, which is why one of our core values is Make Resellers Successful. Therefore, we are in constant contact with resellers as well, and we ensure that their demands are carefully considered during this difficult time. We ensure that whatever they consider priority is addressed right away, and that some of the most important items required during the quarantine period, such as cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and hand sanitizers are not only available on the Meesho App, but are delivered on priority.

Moreover, we are tied up with delivery partners who are committed to stopping the spread of Coronavirus. They follow the protocol of keeping themselves safe to keep others safe very seriously.

Life at Meesho spreading positivity

Meesho also ensures that the employees are all in the best of spirits as they go about their days in isolation by spreading positive messages of encouragement. On our social media pages for “Life at Meesho’’, we share tips on how to keep yourselves occupied, what are the podcasts you’ve been missing out on, what educational institutions are offering free courses during quarantine, and more.

These posts are sure to make you smile, reflect or at least realise that we are all in this together. If you aren’t following us already, we will link below to all our social media platforms below. Give us a follow right away!

These are simple yet thoughtful ways in which Meesho has been able to reinforce a physically and mentally healthy work culture among the employees can be implemented in all organisations looking for ways to do right by their employees even as the pandemic of Coronavirus remains yet to be contained.

Follow us on our social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter

Even as we continue to fight the spread of Coronavirus, Meesho remains determined to create 20 million entrepreneurs by 2020. Wish to join our quest? Apply here.

