The 47-Minute Meeting.

If you can’t make your meetings better, at least make them shorter.

Matt Homann
Filamental Thinking
2 min readSep 5, 2016


They lurk in every organization like sneaky assassins: ninja-like time thieves spying on your calendar, waiting to pounce on any open “availability” so they can plug it with an Outlook invite for an hour-long meeting you didn’t see coming.

The unsolicited invitations clog your calendar, giving you another back-to-back-to-back-to-back day with zero time left over to get real work done.

The moment others can change your calendar; your time no longer belongs to you.

Though you may not be able to keep others from taking your time, you can make it a bit harder for them to steal it.

Start setting 47-minute meetings.

First, few meetings need an entire hour. If you have a regular sixty-minute meeting, odds are you can focus a bit more and get it done in only forty-seven.

Second, by making your meetings a weird length, you force others to think twice (and do some math) before booking you in a back-to-back. The moment a meeting ends at 10:47, you’ve got at least 13 minutes before the next one because nobody else wants to invite others to a meeting that begins at 10:48.

Third, by beginning your 47-minute meetings at an odd time (like 9:37), you’ll buy some time before and after for both yourself and your attendees.

The 47-minute meeting isn’t rocket science, but by getting outside the box of hour-long meetings, you’ll retain some control over your calendar and regain some sanity in your work day.



Matt Homann
Filamental Thinking

Creative entrepreneur helping smart people think, meet and learn together better. Filament Founder & CEO. I’ve got Idea Surplus Disorder real bad