Meet Joey Xoto: The $30M Viddyoze Journey! — a Candid Story

Rama Krishna Rao
Meet Candid
Published in
7 min readAug 5, 2023

Joey Xoto is a self-made entrepreneur who went from being broke to building an 8-figure empire. His journey is a testament to the power of hard work, determination, and a willingness to take risks. Let’s deep dive in to Joey’s inspiring story and the lessons we can learn from his experiences.

Having spoken to Joey Xoto over a call, I was deeply impressed by his genuine care and down-to-earth nature. While his success is undoubtedly remarkable, what stands out to me the most is his humble approach and willingness to help others. (connect with him HERE)

Joey’s story is one of perseverance and grit. He grew up in a working-class family in the UK, where money was always tight. Despite the challenges he faced, Joey knew from a young age that he wanted to do something different with his life. He took a job selling door-to-door as a teenager, which taught him the value of hard work and persistence.

Joey’s life changed when he discovered the world of online marketing. He was fascinated by the idea of making money online and decided to give it a try. Through the Warrior Forum, Joey met Alex Hormozi, a successful entrepreneur who would become his mentor and friend. Alex saw something special in Joey and offered to help him launch his business.

As the famous quote goes, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that count.” Joey Xoto’s story is a testament to this quote, and we can all learn from his experiences. So, let’s dive in and explore the inspiring story of Joey Xoto.

Joey Xoto’s Early Life and the Power of Perseverance

Joey Xoto’s early life was marked by struggles and challenges. He grew up in a working-class family in the UK, where money was always tight. Despite the financial difficulties, Joey was determined to make something of himself.

As a teenager, Joey took a job selling door-to-door. It was a tough job, but it taught him the value of hard work and persistence. He quickly learned that success in sales was all about putting in the effort and never giving up. Even when he faced rejection after rejection, Joey kept pushing forward.

These early experiences shaped Joey’s work ethic and persistence. He learned that success was not handed to him on a silver platter, but had to be earned through hard work and determination. Joey’s willingness to put in the effort and never give up would serve him well in the years to come.

As Joey himself has said, “Success is not about being the smartest or the most talented. It’s about being willing to work harder than anyone else and never giving up.” This philosophy would guide Joey throughout his life and help him overcome the many challenges he would face.

Then what changed Joey’s life that set him on the path to success? Let’s dive into his A Pivotal Moment — his early struggles and experiences prepared him for the challenges to come and helped him build the resilience he would need to succeed.

The Turning Point: His Encounter with Online Marketing

Joey Xoto’s life changed when he discovered the world of online marketing. He was fascinated by the idea of making money online and decided to give it a try. This decision would prove to be the turning point in his life.

Joey’s journey into the world of online marketing began on the Warrior Forum, a popular online community for internet marketers. It was here that he met Alex Hormozi, a successful entrepreneur who would become his mentor and friend. Alex saw something special in Joey and offered to help him launch his business.

Under Alex’s guidance, Joey learned the ins and outs of online marketing. He discovered the power of video marketing and began creating videos to promote his products and services. He also learned how to build a loyal following and attract clients through social media and other online channels.

Alex became Joey’s mentor and friend, offering him guidance and support as he navigated the world of online marketing. He helped Joey launch his first digital product and showed him how to market it effectively. With Alex’s help, Joey was able to build a successful business and attract a loyal following of customers.

As Joey himself has said, Having a mentor can make all the difference in the world”. Alex saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself, and he helped me unlock my full potential. Alex’s guidance and support would prove to be invaluable to Joey as he built his business and pursued his dreams.

Strategies for Success: Joey Xoto’s Path to Building Successful Business

Building a successful business is never easy, and Joey Xoto faced his fair share of challenges along the way. However, he was determined to succeed and used a variety of strategies to grow his business and attract clients.

In the early days, Joey struggled to get his business off the ground. He faced stiff competition from other online marketers and struggled to differentiate himself from the crowd. However, he refused to give up and continued to work hard to build his business.

One of the strategies Joey used to grow his business was video marketing. He discovered that videos were a powerful way to connect with potential clients and build a loyal following. He created high-quality videos that showcased his products and services and shared them on social media and other online channels.

Joey also differentiated himself from his competitors by offering a unique value proposition. He focused on providing high-quality products and services that were tailored to the needs of his clients. He also offered exceptional customer service and went above and beyond to ensure that his clients were satisfied.

Through these strategies, Joey was able to build a loyal following of clients who trusted him and his brand. He also attracted new clients through word-of-mouth referrals and positive reviews from satisfied customers.

As Joey himself has said, “Building a successful business is all about providing value to your clients. If you can offer something that no one else can, and you do it with passion and dedication, you will succeed.” Joey’s passion and dedication to his clients would prove to be the key to his success.

Key Lessons from His Journey to Success

Joey Xoto’s story is a testament to the power of hard work, persistence, and taking risks. His journey into the world of online marketing was marked by challenges and setbacks, but he refused to give up and continued to work hard to build his business. Here are some key lessons that can be learned from Joey’s story:

  1. Success is not handed to you on a silver platter. It takes hard work, dedication, and persistence to achieve your goals.
  2. Taking risks is an essential part of building a successful business. You must be willing to step outside your comfort zone and try new things if you want to succeed.
  3. Having a mentor can be invaluable in building a successful business. A mentor can offer guidance, support, and advice that can help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.
  4. Differentiating yourself from your competitors is essential if you want to succeed in a crowded market. You must offer something unique and valuable that sets you apart from the crowd.
  5. Building a loyal following of clients is essential if you want to build a successful business. You must focus on providing exceptional value and customer service to your clients to earn their trust and loyalty.
  6. Embracing new technologies and adapting to changes in the market is essential if you want to stay ahead of the curve. You must be willing to learn new skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.

Joey’s story also highlights the importance of having a strong work ethic and never giving up. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Joey refused to give up on his dreams and continued to work hard to build his business. His story is a testament to the power of hard work, persistence, and taking risks.

Inspired to Succeed: Reflecting on Joey Xoto’s Remarkable Story

We explored the inspiring story of Joey Xoto, an online marketer who overcame numerous challenges to build a successful business. We discussed the importance of hard work, persistence, taking risks, having a mentor, differentiating yourself from competitors, building a loyal following, and adapting to changes in the market.

Joey’s story highlights the power of entrepreneurship and the potential for anyone to achieve their dreams with hard work and dedication. By learning from successful entrepreneurs like Joey, we can gain valuable insights and strategies that can help us build successful businesses of our own.

If you are inspired by Joey’s story and want to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams, now is the time to take action. Start by identifying your passions and interests, and then explore ways to turn them into a viable business. Seek out mentors and resources that can help you along the way, and be willing to take risks and embrace new technologies.

Remember, building a successful business is not easy, but it is possible with hard work, persistence, and a willingness to learn and adapt. By following in the footsteps of successful entrepreneurs like Joey Xoto, you can achieve your goals and build a business that you can be proud of.

Originally published at on August 5, 2023.



Rama Krishna Rao
Meet Candid

💡Meet Rama Krishna Rao, IT consultant turned entrepreneur,