Prowly Review: The All-in-One PR Tool You Need for Media Relations — Meet Candid

Choosing the Right PR Software

Spandana Andela
Meet Candid
25 min readSep 7, 2023


Prowly Review

What is a Prowly?

Prowly refers to the PR and media relations software platform. Prowly is a software tool designed to help businesses and organizations manage their public relations activities more effectively.

Prowly features, benefits and pros & cons

Prowly is described as an all-in-one PR tool that helps PR professionals manage media relations more effectively by automating routine tasks. Some of its features include organizing media contacts in a PR CRM, creating visually appealing press releases, managing email pitches, maintaining newsrooms, media monitoring, and generating coverage reports.

The software is designed to save time for PR practitioners and has been used by over 7,000 users from more than 70 countries.

Who uses Prowly?

Prowly is used by a wide range of individuals and organizations that are involved in public relations, media relations, and communication activities. Here are some examples of who uses Prowly:

  1. PR and Communication Professionals: Public relations professionals, communication managers, and PR agencies often use Prowly to manage their PR campaigns, connect with media contacts, and distribute press releases.
  2. Marketing Teams: Marketing teams within companies may use Prowly to enhance their PR efforts, improve media outreach, and maintain a well-organized newsroom for sharing company updates.
  3. Startups and Small Businesses: Smaller organizations and startups can use Prowly to establish a presence in the media landscape, build relationships with journalists, and generate media coverage for their products or services.
  4. Large Enterprises: Larger companies and corporations often use Prowly to coordinate PR activities across different departments or regions, ensuring a consistent and effective PR strategy.
  5. PR Agencies: PR agencies that serve multiple clients can benefit from Prowly’s tools to streamline their client management, media outreach, and reporting processes.
  6. Media Professionals: Journalists and editors may also interact with Prowly when they receive press releases or access newsrooms created by organizations using the platform.
  7. Content Creators: Content creators, such as bloggers and influencers, might use Prowly to stay updated on industry news and receive relevant press releases from companies and PR professionals.
  8. Event Organizers: Those involved in event planning can use Prowly to promote and publicize their events to the media and the public.

The diverse range of users indicates that Prowly can be valuable for anyone looking to improve their public relations and media communication efforts, regardless of the size or type of organization they belong to. It offers tools and features to help streamline PR activities, connect with media contacts, and measure the impact of PR campaigns. However, the specific use cases and features utilized may vary based on the individual or organization’s needs and goals.

Key Modules:

The Key modules are integral to the platform’s functionality and are designed to help PR professionals and organizations effectively manage their public relations and media relations efforts. Here’s a brief overview of each of the key modules:

  1. Press Release Creator: This module allows users to create visually appealing press releases within the platform. Users can format text, add multimedia elements, and customize the content to suit their needs.
  2. Online Newsroom: The online newsroom module enables users to maintain a journalist-friendly newsroom or pressroom where press releases, news articles, and related content can be organized, published, and shared with media contacts and the public.
  3. Contacts (CRM): The CRM module helps users manage their media contacts by organizing them into lists or groups, providing contact details, and facilitating personalized communication with journalists, editors, and other media professionals.
  4. Emails (Press Release Scheduling): Users can schedule the distribution of press releases and other PR content via email to media contacts. This module streamlines the process of reaching out to journalists and stakeholders.
  5. Media Database (1M+ Contacts): Prowly typically provides access to a comprehensive media database with over a million media contacts. Users can search, find, and connect with relevant contacts in their industry or niche.
  6. Dashboard (Campaign Monitoring): The dashboard module offers a centralized view of PR campaigns and activities. Users can monitor the progress and performance of their PR efforts, track open rates, and gain insights into campaign success.
  7. Media Monitoring: This module allows users to monitor media coverage and mentions of their organization or topics of interest. Real-time alerts, sentiment analysis, and competitor tracking are often included.
  8. PR Reports: Users can generate comprehensive PR reports that include data on media coverage, reach, impressions, sentiment, and other relevant metrics. These reports provide insights into the impact of PR efforts.

These key modules collectively make Prowly a versatile PR and media relations platform, offering a comprehensive suite of tools for creating, managing, and measuring the success of PR campaigns. PR professionals and organizations can use these modules to streamline their workflows, improve communication with media contacts, and make data-driven decisions to enhance their PR strategies. Specific features and functionalities may vary based on the version and subscription plan of Prowly being used.

Deep overview of all this Features

Press Release Creator in Prowly:

Let’s delve deeper into the “Press Release Creator” module in Prowly:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Prowly’s Press Release Creator typically features a user-friendly and intuitive interface that doesn’t require extensive design or coding skills. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users.
  2. Templates: The platform often provides pre-designed press release templates that users can choose from and customize. These templates help maintain a consistent and professional look for press releases.
  3. Text Editing Tools: Users can format and style text within press releases using a variety of editing tools. This includes options for headings, subheadings, bullet points, fonts, text colors, and more, allowing for customization to suit your communication needs.
  4. Multimedia Integration: Prowly typically supports the integration of multimedia elements into press releases. Users can easily embed images, videos, infographics, audio clips, and other multimedia content to enhance the visual appeal and informativeness of their press releases.
  5. Mobile Optimization: Press releases created in Prowly are often designed to be mobile-responsive. This ensures that they display and function well on smartphones and tablets, which are commonly used by journalists and readers.
  6. Real-Time Preview: Users can usually preview how their press releases will appear before publishing them. This feature helps ensure that the final product meets their expectations.
  7. Embeddable Content: Prowly may provide options for embedding press releases into websites or external web pages, making it easy to share news with a wider audience.
  8. SEO Optimization: Some versions of Prowly include tools for optimizing press releases for search engines (SEO). This helps improve the discoverability of press releases online.
  9. Collaboration: Collaboration features may be available, allowing multiple team members to work on a press release simultaneously. This is especially useful for large PR teams or agencies.
  10. Version Control: Prowly typically includes version control features, allowing users to track changes and revert to previous versions if needed.
  11. Scheduling: Users can often schedule the publication of press releases at specific dates and times, ensuring they are released at the most opportune moments for media coverage.
  12. Review and Approval Workflow: Prowly may provide features for review and approval workflows, ensuring that press releases go through the necessary checks and reviews before publication.
  13. Custom Branding: Users can typically customize the appearance of their press releases to match their brand identity, including the use of logos, colors, and branding elements.

The “Press Release Creator” module in Prowly is designed to simplify the process of crafting visually appealing and informative press releases. It offers a range of tools and features to help PR professionals and organizations create and share their news effectively with journalists, stakeholders, and the public. Specific functionalities may vary based on the version and subscription plan of Prowly you are using, so it’s advisable to refer to the official Prowly website or contact their customer support for the most current and detailed information on this feature.

Online Newsroom in Prowly:

Let’s explore the “Online Newsroom” module in Prowly in more detail:

  1. Creation of Newsroom: Prowly allows users to create their online newsrooms or pressrooms within the platform. These digital spaces serve as dedicated hubs for showcasing an organization’s press releases, news articles, and related PR content.
  2. Customization: Users can typically customize the appearance and layout of their newsrooms to align with their brand identity. This includes the ability to add company logos, colors, and branding elements for a professional and consistent look.
  3. Content Organization: The online newsroom module provides tools for organizing and categorizing press releases, news articles, and other content within the newsroom. This ensures that visitors can easily navigate and find the information they are looking for.
  4. Multimedia Support: Users can often incorporate various multimedia elements into their newsrooms, such as images, videos, infographics, downloadable documents, and audio clips. This multimedia content enhances the engagement and informativeness of the newsroom.
  5. Search Functionality: Prowly typically includes search functionality within newsrooms, allowing visitors to search for specific topics, keywords, or content within the newsroom. This aids in quickly locating relevant information.
  6. SEO Optimization: Some versions of Prowly include tools for optimizing newsroom content for search engines (SEO). This helps improve the discoverability of press releases and news articles in search engine results.
  7. Mobile Responsiveness: Newsrooms created in Prowly are generally designed to be mobile-responsive. This ensures that they are accessible and user-friendly on smartphones and tablets.
  8. Analytics: The online newsroom module often provides analytics and tracking features for newsroom content. Users can monitor metrics such as page views, engagement, and the popularity of specific press releases or articles.
  9. Distribution Integration: Newsrooms are typically integrated with Prowly’s distribution features, allowing users to seamlessly share their press releases and news articles with media contacts, stakeholders, and the public directly from the newsroom.
  10. Media Contact Access: Some versions of Prowly may offer options to provide media contacts with direct access to your newsroom. This facilitates easy access for journalists to find and access your PR materials.
  11. Archiving: Prowly typically includes archiving features within newsrooms, allowing users to maintain an archive of past press releases and news articles for reference and historical purposes.
  12. Social Sharing: Newsroom content often includes social sharing buttons, making it simple for visitors to share press releases and articles on their social media channels, extending the reach of your news.
  13. Embedding: Users can often embed their newsroom directly into their website, making it seamless for website visitors to access the latest news and PR updates.
  14. Password Protection: For organizations that require added security, Prowly may offer password protection or access controls to restrict who can view certain newsroom content.

The “Online Newsroom” module in Prowly is designed to provide organizations with a professional and user-friendly platform for showcasing their PR content and news updates. It helps streamline the organization, presentation, and distribution of press releases and related materials, making it easier for journalists and stakeholders to access and engage with your PR content. Specific functionalities may vary based on the version and subscription plan of Prowly you are using, so it’s advisable to refer to the official Prowly website or contact their customer support for the most current and detailed information on this feature.

Contacts (CRM) in Prowly:

Let’s explore the “Contacts (CRM)” module in Prowly in more detail:

  1. Contact Management: The CRM module in Prowly serves as a centralized database where users can manage their media contacts. It allows users to store and organize contact information for journalists, editors, bloggers, and other media professionals.
  2. List or Group Organization: Users can typically organize their contacts into lists or groups based on criteria such as location, industry, beat, or any other relevant category. This segmentation helps users target their communications more effectively.
  3. Contact Details: Prowly typically provides fields to store a wide range of contact details for each media contact. This can include names, email addresses, phone numbers, social media profiles, publication affiliations, and more.
  4. Import and Export: Users can often import existing contact lists into Prowly and export contact data when needed. This facilitates the migration of existing contacts and ensures data portability.
  5. Custom Fields: Some versions of Prowly may allow users to create custom fields to capture specific information about their media contacts. This flexibility helps tailor contact records to an organization’s unique needs.
  6. Search and Filter: The CRM module typically includes search and filtering capabilities, making it easy for users to quickly find specific contacts or groups based on various criteria.
  7. Contact Interaction History: Prowly may track the history of interactions with each contact, including email exchanges, responses, and notes. This historical data can help users personalize their communication and maintain valuable relationships.
  8. Email Integration: Integration with the email module allows users to send personalized emails directly from the CRM module. This streamlines the process of reaching out to media contacts and tracking communication.
  9. Segmented Communication: Users can often select specific contact lists or groups when sending press releases or other PR communications. This ensures that messages are targeted to the right audience.
  10. Contact Permissions and Preferences: Prowly may include features for recording contact preferences and permissions, such as opting in or out of specific types of communications. This helps users comply with privacy regulations.
  11. Duplicate Management: The CRM module typically includes tools for identifying and managing duplicate contact entries, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.
  12. Integration with Newsroom and Email Modules: Contacts in the CRM module are often seamlessly integrated with the newsroom and email modules. This simplifies the process of distributing press releases and other content to media contacts.

The “Contacts (CRM)” module in Prowly is designed to help PR professionals and organizations efficiently manage their media relationships and communications. By providing a structured and organized database of media contacts, it facilitates personalized and targeted outreach, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of PR efforts. Specific functionalities and capabilities may vary based on the version and subscription plan of Prowly you are using, so it’s advisable to refer to the official Prowly website or contact their customer support for the most current and detailed information on this feature.

Emails (Press Release Scheduling) in Prowly:

Let’s explore the “Emails (Press Release Scheduling)” module in Prowly in more detail:

  1. Email Campaign Management: Prowly typically provides tools for managing email campaigns for press releases and other PR content. Users can create, schedule, and send email campaigns to their media contacts directly from the platform.
  2. Press Release Distribution: Users can select specific press releases or PR content to include in their email campaigns. This allows for targeted distribution of news to relevant media contacts and stakeholders.
  3. Contact List Selection: The module often allows users to choose which contact lists or groups to target with their email campaigns. This ensures that press releases are sent to the appropriate recipients based on criteria such as location, industry, or beat.
  4. Personalization: Prowly usually offers personalization features, allowing users to address each email recipient by name and customize the content to suit the interests and preferences of individual journalists.
  5. Scheduling: Users can schedule the delivery of email campaigns at specific dates and times. This feature is valuable for ensuring that press releases are sent at optimal times for media coverage and reader engagement.
  6. Follow-Up Emails: Some versions of Prowly may offer the ability to schedule follow-up emails as part of the campaign. This helps users follow up with journalists who have not responded to the initial press release.
  7. Email Templates: Users can often choose from pre-designed email templates or create their templates for email campaigns. Templates can help maintain a consistent and professional look for communications.
  8. Attachment Handling: Prowly typically allows users to attach relevant files or documents to their email campaigns, such as press releases, images, documents, or multimedia assets.
  9. Email Tracking: The module may provide tracking features to monitor the performance of email campaigns. This includes tracking email open rates, click-through rates, and other engagement metrics.
  10. Response Tracking: Prowly often offers features to track and log responses from journalists and media contacts. This helps users keep a record of interactions and responses received.
  11. Compliance and Opt-Out: Prowly typically includes features to ensure compliance with email marketing regulations, such as GDPR. It may also provide options for recipients to easily opt out of future communications.
  12. Integration with CRM: The Emails module is typically integrated with the CRM module, allowing users to select and send emails to media contacts directly from the contact database.
  13. Segmentation: Users can segment their email campaigns based on various criteria to ensure that the right message reaches the right audience. This includes geographic targeting, industry targeting, and more.

The “Emails (Press Release Scheduling)” module in Prowly is designed to simplify the process of reaching out to journalists and stakeholders with press releases and other PR content. It streamlines email campaign management, enhances personalization, and provides tracking and reporting capabilities to measure the effectiveness of email communications. Specific functionalities and capabilities may vary based on the version and subscription plan of Prowly you are using, so it’s advisable to refer to the official Prowly website or contact their customer support for the most current and detailed information on this feature.

Media Database (1M+ Contacts) in Prowly:

Let’s explore the “Media Database (1M+ Contacts)” module in Prowly in more detail:

  1. Extensive Contact Database: Prowly’s Media Database typically offers access to a vast and continuously updated database of media contacts, including journalists, editors, bloggers, influencers, and other media professionals. This database may encompass contacts from various industries and regions.
  2. Advanced Search Functionality: Users can use advanced search filters and criteria to pinpoint specific media contacts or groups of contacts. Filters may include criteria like location, beat, publication, language, and more.
  3. Industry and Niche Targeting: The Media Database often allows users to target contacts within their specific industry or niche. This ensures that PR professionals can connect with relevant media contacts who have an interest in their organization’s news and topics.
  4. Contact Details: Users can typically access comprehensive contact details for each media professional in the database. This includes information such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, social media profiles, publication affiliations, and more.
  5. Contact Ratings and Insights: Some versions of Prowly may offer contact ratings and insights. These ratings can help users identify influential and responsive media contacts and prioritize their outreach efforts.
  6. Contact History: The module may include a history of interactions with each contact, allowing users to view previous communications, responses, and notes related to that contact.
  7. Import and Export: Users can often import media contacts into their contact lists within Prowly. Additionally, they may have the option to export contact data when needed, facilitating data management and portability.
  8. Contact Verification: Prowly may employ contact verification processes to ensure the accuracy and relevancy of contact information within the database.
  9. Segmentation and List Building: Users can typically create custom contact lists or groups based on their specific PR campaigns and needs. This segmentation helps streamline outreach efforts.
  10. Integration with CRM: The Media Database is often integrated with the CRM module in Prowly, allowing users to seamlessly add media contacts to their contact lists and incorporate them into their PR workflows.
  11. Media Contact Updates: The database is frequently updated to reflect changes in the media landscape, such as staff turnover, new publications, or contact information updates.
  12. Keyword and Topic Search: Users can often perform keyword and topic-based searches to find media contacts who are interested in specific subjects or industries.

The “Media Database (1M+ Contacts)” module in Prowly is a valuable resource for PR professionals and organizations looking to connect with media contacts and journalists in their target industries and regions. It simplifies the process of finding and engaging with relevant contacts, streamlining media outreach efforts and increasing the likelihood of securing media coverage for press releases and news articles. Specific functionalities and capabilities may vary based on the version and subscription plan of Prowly you are using, so it’s advisable to refer to the official Prowly website or contact their customer support for the most current and detailed information on this feature.

Dashboard (Campaign Monitoring) in Prowly:

Let’s explore the “Dashboard (Campaign Monitoring)” module in Prowly in more detail:

  1. Centralized View: The Dashboard module in Prowly provides users with a centralized and visual overview of their PR campaigns and activities. It typically offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to access key campaign information in one place.
  2. Campaign Tracking: Users can monitor the progress and status of their PR campaigns directly from the dashboard. This includes tracking which press releases have been sent, the number of emails delivered, and the status of email open rates and responses.
  3. Real-Time Updates: The dashboard often provides real-time updates, allowing users to see the latest data and metrics related to their campaigns. This ensures that users have access to the most up-to-date information.
  4. Performance Metrics: Users can typically view performance metrics for their campaigns, such as email open rates, click-through rates, and engagement rates. These metrics offer insights into how well campaigns are resonating with media contacts and stakeholders.
  5. Campaign Insights: Some versions of Prowly may provide campaign insights and recommendations based on the data displayed in the dashboard. These insights can help users make data-driven decisions to improve campaign effectiveness.
  6. Customizable Widgets: Users can often customize the dashboard by adding and arranging widgets or panels that display specific campaign metrics or data of interest. This flexibility allows users to tailor the dashboard to their unique needs.
  7. Comparative Analysis: The dashboard may allow users to compare the performance of different campaigns side by side. This comparative analysis can help identify trends and patterns in campaign success.
  8. Integration with Media Monitoring: In some cases, the dashboard may be integrated with the Media Monitoring module in Prowly. This integration allows users to view media coverage and mentions alongside their campaign data, providing a holistic view of their PR efforts.
  9. Data Export: Users can often export campaign data and metrics for further analysis or reporting purposes. This feature facilitates in-depth analysis and reporting to stakeholders.
  10. User Notifications: The dashboard may provide user notifications or alerts for significant campaign events, such as when a journalist opens an email pitch or when there is a spike in media coverage related to a campaign.
  11. Campaign History: Users can typically access historical data and metrics for past campaigns. This historical information is valuable for tracking long-term trends and assessing the impact of PR efforts over time.
  12. Goal Tracking: Users can set specific goals and benchmarks for their campaigns within the dashboard. This helps PR professionals measure campaign success against predefined objectives.

The “Dashboard (Campaign Monitoring)” module in Prowly is designed to help PR professionals and organizations stay informed about the progress and performance of their PR campaigns. By providing a visual and data-driven view of campaign activities, it enables users to make informed decisions, optimize their strategies, and demonstrate the value of their PR efforts to stakeholders. Specific functionalities and capabilities may vary based on the version and subscription plan of Prowly you are using, so it’s advisable to refer to the official Prowly website or contact their customer support for the most current and detailed information on this feature.

Media Monitoring in Prowly:

Let’s explore the “Media Monitoring” module in Prowly in more detail:

  1. Media Coverage Tracking: The Media Monitoring module in Prowly allows users to track and monitor media coverage related to their organization, brand, products, or topics of interest. This includes coverage in news articles, blogs, social media, and other online sources.
  2. Real-Time Alerts: Users can typically set up real-time alerts and notifications to be informed immediately when new media mentions occur. These alerts can be delivered via email, SMS, or within the platform.
  3. Sentiment Analysis: Prowly often includes sentiment analysis features that assess the tone and sentiment of media coverage. Users can gain insights into whether media mentions are positive, negative, or neutral, helping them gauge public perception.
  4. Competitor Tracking: Users can monitor the media coverage and mentions of competitors or industry peers. This competitive analysis provides valuable insights into the media landscape and the relative positioning of organizations.
  5. Keyword and Topic Tracking: Users can define specific keywords, topics, or phrases they want to monitor. The module then scans media sources for mentions of these keywords, allowing users to stay informed about relevant news and discussions.
  6. Source Diversity: Media Monitoring typically covers a wide range of sources, including news websites, blogs, social media platforms, forums, and more. This comprehensive coverage ensures that users capture media mentions from diverse channels.
  7. Customized Dashboards: Users can often customize their monitoring dashboards to focus on specific topics, keywords, or sources of interest. This tailored approach helps users stay focused on what matters most to them.
  8. Historical Data: The module may provide access to historical media coverage data, allowing users to review past mentions, track trends over time, and perform historical analysis.
  9. Coverage Heatmaps: Some versions of Prowly may offer heatmaps or visual representations of media coverage. These visualizations can help users identify geographic or thematic patterns in coverage.
  10. Data Export: Users can typically export media monitoring data and reports for further analysis or sharing with stakeholders. This data export feature supports in-depth analysis and reporting.
  11. Actionable Insights: The module may provide actionable insights and recommendations based on the data collected. These insights can guide PR professionals in responding to media coverage effectively.
  12. Integration with Dashboard: Media Monitoring data may be integrated into the dashboard module in Prowly, allowing users to view media coverage alongside campaign performance metrics for a holistic view of PR efforts.

The “Media Monitoring” module in Prowly is a valuable tool for PR professionals and organizations to stay informed about their media presence, track sentiment, and monitor the competitive landscape. It helps users proactively manage their public relations by providing real-time insights into media coverage and mentions. Specific functionalities and capabilities may vary based on the version and subscription plan of Prowly you are using, so it’s advisable to refer to the official Prowly website or contact their customer support for the most current and detailed information on this feature.

PR Reports in Prowly:

Let’s explore the “PR Reports” module in Prowly in more detail:

  1. Comprehensive Reporting: The PR Reports module in Prowly allows users to generate comprehensive reports that capture key metrics and data related to their public relations efforts. These reports provide a detailed overview of the impact and effectiveness of PR campaigns.
  2. Custom Report Generation: Users can typically customize their reports to focus on specific campaigns, periods, or topics of interest. This flexibility ensures that reports align with the organization’s PR goals and objectives.
  3. Media Coverage Metrics: PR reports often include metrics related to media coverage, such as the number of mentions, articles, or news stories. Users can gain insights into the extent of their media presence.
  4. Reach and Impressions: Reports may include data on the reach and impressions generated by PR campaigns. Reach measures the potential audience size exposed to PR content, while impressions track the total number of times content is viewed or accessed.
  5. Sentiment Analysis: Some versions of Prowly provide sentiment analysis data in reports. This analysis assesses the tone and sentiment of media coverage, helping users understand how their organization is perceived in the media.
  6. Coverage Sources: Reports often specify the sources of media coverage, including websites, publications, social media platforms, and more. This information helps users identify where their PR efforts are most effective.
  7. Geographic Coverage: Users can typically view data on geographic coverage, showing where media mentions are concentrated. This can be particularly valuable for organizations with global reach.
  8. Competitor Analysis: PR reports may include competitive analysis, allowing users to compare their media coverage and performance with that of competitors or industry peers.
  9. Trend Analysis: Users can track trends and patterns in media coverage over time. This historical data helps PR professionals assess the impact of specific campaigns and adapt their strategies accordingly.
  10. Visualizations: Reports often feature visualizations such as charts, graphs, and heatmaps to present data in a visually engaging and easy-to-understand format.
  11. PDF and Export Options: Users can typically generate reports in various formats, including PDF, Excel, or other customizable formats. This makes it easy to share and present PR insights with stakeholders.
  12. Scheduled Reporting: Some versions of Prowly offer scheduled reporting, allowing users to set up automated report generation at regular intervals. This ensures that stakeholders receive timely updates on PR performance.
  13. Actionable Insights: PR reports may provide actionable insights and recommendations based on the data presented. These insights guide PR professionals in making informed decisions and optimizing their PR strategies.
  14. Integration with Dashboard: PR reports may be integrated into the dashboard module in Prowly, allowing users to view campaign performance and media coverage data side by side for a holistic view of their PR efforts.

The “PR Reports” module in Prowly is a powerful tool for PR professionals and organizations to measure the impact of their public relations campaigns, assess their media presence, and demonstrate the value of their PR efforts to stakeholders. It provides data-driven insights that inform decision-making and help refine PR strategies for greater success. Specific functionalities and capabilities may vary based on the version and subscription plan of Prowly you are using, so it’s advisable to refer to the official Prowly website or contact their customer support for the most current and detailed information on this feature.

User Support

Prowly typically offers a range of support options to assist users with their questions, issues, and inquiries. Here’s more information about these support options:

  1. 24/7 Live Representative Support: Prowly may provide round-the-clock live representative support, ensuring that users can access assistance at any time, day or night. This support option allows users to connect with a live support representative who can provide immediate assistance and help resolve their queries or technical issues.
  2. Knowledge Base: Prowly often maintains a comprehensive knowledge base or informational resource center. This knowledge base typically contains articles, guides, tutorials, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) that cover various aspects of using the Prowly platform. Users can search for specific topics or browse articles to find answers to their questions.
  3. Chat: Prowly may offer a live chat support option, allowing users to engage in real-time text-based conversations with support representatives. Chat support is often convenient for users who prefer quick and direct communication for immediate assistance.
  4. FAQs/Forum: Prowly may maintain a FAQ section or user forum where users can find answers to common questions, share experiences, and seek advice from other Prowly users. Forums provide a community-based support platform for users to exchange information and insights.
  5. Email/Help Desk: Users can typically reach out to Prowly’s support team via email or through a dedicated help desk system. This option allows users to submit detailed inquiries or issues and receive responses and assistance through email communication.
  6. Phone Support: Prowly may offer phone support, allowing users to connect with support representatives via phone calls. Phone support is often beneficial for users who prefer voice communication or need more in-depth assistance.

The availability and specific details of these support options may vary based on the user’s subscription plan and the level of support provided by Prowly. Users can typically access support resources, contact information, and assistance through the Prowly platform or the official Prowly website. For urgent or critical issues, users may find the 24/7 live representative support particularly valuable, as it ensures access to immediate help at any time.

Platforms Supported

Prowly ensures PR accessibility across web, Android, and iOS platforms. The web version offers a complete suite for desktops and laptops. Dedicated mobile apps for Android and iOS provide on-the-go PR functions. This flexibility caters to diverse professional needs, allowing efficient management from preferred devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Training Options

Prowly offers diverse training options, including live online sessions, comprehensive documentation, in-person training, webinars, and instructional videos. Users can engage in interactive webinars led by experts, access step-by-step guides, and, in some cases, opt for in-person sessions. Specialized webinars cover PR topics, and a library of video tutorials aids visual learning. Availability depends on the user’s plan, location, and needs, with documentation and videos generally accessible to all, while live sessions may require coordination with Prowly’s support team. For more information, users can contact customer support or access resources through the platform.


Here is the pricing information for Prowly’s PR software:

Explore Prowly’s pricing options, including the Essential Bundle at $339/month (billed annually) for essential PR tools, the Professional Bundle at $449/month (billed annually) with extended features, or the Professional Plus Bundle at $594/month (billed annually) for comprehensive PR solutions and dedicated support.

Advantages & Disadvantages of using Prowly

Pros of Prowly:

  1. Affordable Pricing: Users appreciate that Prowly offers competitive pricing, making it a cost-effective choice for PR professionals.
  2. Ease of Use: Prowly is considered user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate and use.
  3. Database Quality: Users find the media database to be of good quality, simplifying the process of finding the right media contacts.
  4. Customer Support: Many users have had positive experiences with Prowly’s customer support, citing their responsiveness and helpfulness.
  5. Metrics and Analytics: Prowly provides valuable metrics and analytics, allowing users to measure the success of their PR campaigns.
  6. Distribution Features: Prowly’s distribution feature is praised for its effectiveness in getting coverage for clients.
  7. Aesthetically Pleasing Press Releases: Users mention that Prowly allows them to create aesthetically pleasing press releases, enhancing their brand image.

Cons of Prowly:

  1. Limited Database Size: Some users note that Prowly’s media database may not be as extensive as they would like, which could limit their outreach.
  2. Email Handling: When using Prowly to send email pitches, responses are directed to personal email accounts, requiring individual responses. This is seen as time-consuming and less efficient in certain cases.
  3. Bugs and Support: There are complaints about the platform having bugs, and some users have expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of customer support.
  4. Trial Period: The 7-day trial period may not be sufficient for users to fully evaluate the product’s capabilities.
  5. Technical Issues: Some users report technical issues, such as emails not going out as intended, and express frustration with the lack of communication about these issues.
  6. Limited Social Media Management: Prowly is primarily designed for PR tasks and monitoring, so it may not provide comprehensive social media management features.

These advantages and disadvantages should be considered when evaluating whether Prowly is the right PR software for your needs. User experiences can vary, so it’s important to assess how well the software aligns with your specific requirements and objectives.

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Prowly Integrations

Here are the top 4 Prowly integrations :

  1. Google Analytics 360:
  • Prowly offers a supported integration with Google Analytics 360, allowing users to connect and leverage the capabilities of Google Analytics for tracking and analyzing website data.

2. Instagram:

  • Prowly offers a supported integration with Instagram, which can be beneficial for PR and media management related to Instagram content.

3. Twitter/X:

  • Prowly offers a supported integration with Twitter/X, enabling users to connect and interact with Twitter content and features within the Prowly platform.

4. Vimeo:

  • Prowly offers a supported integration with Vimeo, making it easier for users to manage and incorporate Vimeo videos into their PR and media activities.

Please note that there may be more integrations available, and you can explore further details about each integration by visiting the official Prowly website or the respective platform’s website.


Here are some alternatives you can consider for your PR and media relations needs:

  1. Muck Rack: Muck Rack offers media database, monitoring, and PR software solutions. It helps PR professionals find journalists, track media coverage, and manage media relationships. Read more for a comparison of Prowly vs. Muck Rack
  2. Cision: Cision is a comprehensive PR and media communications platform that provides media monitoring, database, and distribution services. It’s used by many PR agencies and organizations worldwide. Read more for a comparison of Prowly vs. Cision
  3. Meltwater: Meltwater is a media monitoring and intelligence platform that helps businesses track media mentions, monitor social media, and analyze media data. Read more for a comparison of Prowly vs. Meltwater
  4. Mynewsdesk: Mynewsdesk is an all-in-one PR and communications platform that offers tools for media monitoring, press release distribution, and managing multimedia content. Read more for a comparison of Prowly vs. Mynewdesk
  5. PR Newswire: PR Newswire is a global distribution network for press releases and multimedia content. It helps businesses reach journalists and media outlets. Read more for a comparison of Prowly vs. PR Newswire
  6. HubSpot PR Software: HubSpot offers PR and media relations tools as part of its inbound marketing platform. It includes media monitoring and outreach features.
  7. Cision Communications Cloud: Cision Communications Cloud provides a suite of PR and media relation tools, including media database, monitoring, and analytics.
  8. TrendKite (now Cision): TrendKite, now part of Cision, offers media monitoring and analytics to measure the impact of PR efforts.
  9. Agility PR Solutions: Agility PR Solutions provides media database and distribution services, along with media monitoring and analytics.
  10. Business Wire: Business Wire is a global news release distribution service that helps companies distribute their press releases to media outlets and stakeholders.

When considering an alternative to Prowly, it’s important to evaluate your specific PR needs, budget, and the features that matter most to your organization. Each of these options has its strengths and may be better suited to different types of PR and media relations strategies.


In a nutshell, Prowly is your go-to PR and media relations companion, simplifying tasks and offering effective management for media contacts, press releases, newsrooms, and more. With features like press release creation, media monitoring, and email pitch management, it’s got your PR needs covered. Plus, it’s flexible, being accessible on the web, Android, and iPhone/iPad. The platform doesn’t just stop at functionality; it equips you with knowledge through various training options like live sessions, documentation, webinars, and videos. And when you need a helping hand, Prowly has your back with 24/7 live support, a knowledge base, chat, FAQs/forum, email/help desk, and phone support. It’s not just software; it’s your all-in-one PR solution with the support to match.

Stay connected with Prowly, a Semrush Company, and discover how it can elevate your PR and media relations strategies in 2023 and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Who are the typical users of Prowly?
A: Prowly is designed for a wide range of users, including freelancers, small businesses, mid-sized businesses, and large enterprises.

Q2: What languages does Prowly support?
A: Prowly, the PR and Media Relations Software, primarily supports the English language.

Q3: Does Prowly offer an API?
A: No, Prowly does not have an API available.

Q4: Where is Prowly Located?
A: Prowly is located in Warsaw, Poland.

Q5: Who is the Founder of Prowly?
A: Joanna Drabent, cofounder and CEO of Prowly.

Originally published at on September 7, 2023.



Spandana Andela
Meet Candid

Meet Spandana, storyteller and an AI inspired Copywriter with a degree in Engineering . As an AI Copywriter, My work is infused with creativity and flair.