Simpu Review 2023: Everything You Need to Know About all Features

Ultimate Solution of Modern Customer Communication

Spandana Andela
Meet Candid
14 min readSep 20, 2023


What is a Simpu?

Simpu is a multifaceted platform designed to empower businesses, particularly those in the financial services sector, to deliver a modern and streamlined customer experience.


It offers a centralized team inbox for managing various communication channels, including emails, SMS, live chat, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, and Messenger DMs. This all-in-one solution simplifies customer interaction management and enhances operational efficiency. For a deeper understanding of what Simpu entails, please continue reading.

Who uses it?

Simpu is a specific product, service, or platform, the users would depend on its intended purpose and target audience. Typically, businesses and organizations use customer communication platforms to improve their customer service, marketing, and engagement efforts. These users could include:

  1. Small Businesses: Small businesses may use customer communication platforms to manage customer inquiries, provide support, and engage with customers through various channels.
  2. E-commerce Companies: E-commerce businesses often use such platforms to offer real-time customer support, send marketing messages, and manage customer interactions.
  3. Customer Support Teams: Customer support teams in various industries may utilize such platforms to streamline customer inquiries and provide efficient support.
  4. Marketing Teams: Marketing teams may use the platform for email marketing, SMS marketing, and customer engagement campaigns.
  5. Sales Teams: Sales teams can benefit from tools that help manage customer interactions and provide insights into customer behavior.
  6. Online Service Providers: Companies providing online services or apps may use customer communication platforms to engage with users and collect feedback.
  7. Customer-Centric Organizations: Businesses that prioritize customer satisfaction and engagement may adopt such platforms to enhance their customer-centric strategies.



Shared Inbox

A shared inbox is a centralized communication hub where teams can collectively manage and respond to customer inquiries and messages from multiple communication channels, such as email, chat, social media, and more. Simpu provides this feature as a key component of its customer communication platform.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Centralized Communication
  2. Team Collaboration
  3. Multi-Channel Integration
  4. Assignment and Prioritization
  5. Automation
  6. Message History
  7. Notifications
  8. Reporting and Analytics

Use Cases:

  • Customer Support: Shared inboxes are commonly used in customer support teams to manage and respond to customer inquiries, complaints, and support requests.
  • Sales: Sales teams can use shared inboxes to coordinate and respond to sales inquiries, demo requests, and customer questions.
  • Marketing: Marketing teams can monitor and respond to customer feedback, inquiries, and engagement on social media and email campaigns.

Overall, Simpu’s Shared Inbox feature aims to enhance team collaboration, streamline communication, and improve customer service by providing a centralized platform to manage and respond to customer messages from various channels.

Live Chat

Live Chat is a real-time communication tool that allows businesses to engage with their website or app visitors in real-time through a chat widget. Simple provides this feature as part of its customer communication platform to enhance customer service and responsiveness.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Real-Time Engagement
  2. Improved Customer Service
  3. User-Friendly Widget
  4. Proactive Chat
  5. Chat History
  6. File Sharing
  7. Multi-Agent Support
  8. Integration
  9. Analytics and Reporting

Use Cases:

  • Customer Support: Live Chat is commonly used for providing customer support, answering product inquiries, and resolving technical issues.
  • Sales and Lead Generation: Businesses can use Live Chat to engage with potential customers, answer pre-sales questions, and guide them through the purchase process.
  • Technical Support: IT and technical support teams can use Live Chat to assist users with software or hardware issues in real-time.

Overall, Simpu’s Live Chat feature aims to facilitate real-time communication between businesses and their customers, enhancing customer service, responsiveness, and engagement on websites and apps.


A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate human conversation and interact with users through text or voice interactions. Simpu’s Chatbot feature is designed to assist businesses in automating and personalizing customer interactions, thereby reducing response times and providing a more tailored and efficient experience for customers.


Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Automation
  2. 24/7 Availability
  3. Instant Responses
  4. Scalability
  5. Personalization
  6. Language Support
  7. Integration
  8. Analytics
  9. Customization

Use Cases:

  • Customer Support: Chatbots can handle initial customer inquiries, provide support documentation, and direct customers to the appropriate human agents when needed.
  • E-commerce: Chatbots can assist with product recommendations, order tracking, and processing returns, enhancing the online shopping experience.
  • Lead Generation: Businesses can use chatbots to qualify leads by asking qualifying questions and collecting contact information.
  • Appointment Scheduling: Chatbots can help users schedule appointments, reservations, or services.
  • FAQ Handling: Chatbots can efficiently answer frequently asked questions, reducing the workload on human support agents.

Overall, Simpu’s Chatbot feature is a valuable tool for businesses looking to automate and personalize customer interactions, improve efficiency, and provide a more tailored experience to their customers.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending targeted emails to a group of recipients to promote products and services, or engage with customers. Simpu’s Email Marketing feature allows businesses to create and execute email marketing campaigns effectively.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Targeted Campaigns
  2. Email Templates
  3. Personalization
  4. Automation
  5. A/B Testing
  6. Analytics and Reporting
  7. List Management
  8. Integration
  9. Compliance
  10. Scheduled Sending

Use Cases:

  • Promotions and Sales: Email Marketing is commonly used to promote sales, discounts, and special offers to customers.
  • Newsletter Subscriptions: Businesses can send regular newsletters to subscribers to provide updates, industry news, and valuable content.
  • Customer Retention: Email campaigns can nurture and retain existing customers by providing them with relevant content and incentives.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: E-commerce businesses can send automated emails to remind customers of items left in their shopping carts and encourage them to complete the purchase.
  • Event Announcements: Email Marketing is effective for promoting events, webinars, and conferences.

Simpu’s Email Marketing feature is a powerful tool for businesses looking to engage with their audience, drive conversions, and build brand loyalty through email campaigns that are well-targeted and data-driven.

SMS Marketing

SMS Marketing is a marketing strategy that involves sending text messages to a group of recipients to promote products, and services, or convey important information. Simpu’s SMS Marketing feature enables businesses to leverage text messaging as an effective and direct communication channel for engaging with customers.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Direct and Immediate
  2. High Open Rates
  3. Short and Concise
  4. Opt-In Subscribers
  5. Segmentation
  6. Personalization
  7. Automation
  8. Two-Way Communication

Use Cases:

  • Promotions: Send promotional offers, discounts, and special deals to customers via SMS to drive sales and conversions.
  • Event Reminders: Use SMS messages to remind customers of upcoming events, appointments, or reservation confirmations.
  • Customer Updates: Send customers updates about their orders, deliveries, or account status.
  • Feedback Requests: Solicit feedback from customers through SMS surveys or requests for reviews.
  • Emergency Notifications: Send important alerts or emergency notifications to customers quickly and efficiently.

Simpu’s SMS Marketing feature is a valuable tool for businesses looking to engage with their audience through a direct and immediate communication channel. It’s particularly effective for delivering time-sensitive information and promotions to a targeted group of subscribers.

WhatsApp Groups Management

WhatsApp Groups Management is a feature that allows businesses to create, manage, and communicate with customers or users through WhatsApp Groups. Simpu’s WhatsApp Groups Management feature simplifies the process of handling inquiries, providing support, and addressing customer issues through WhatsApp, a popular messaging app.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Direct and Familiar Communication
  2. Group Creation
  3. Customer Engagement
  4. Announcements and Updates
  5. Multi-Media Sharing
  6. Customer Segmentation
  7. Customer Support

Use Cases:

  • Customer Support: Businesses can create dedicated WhatsApp support groups to assist customers with inquiries and issues.
  • Product Updates: Share product announcements, new features, and updates with interested customers.
  • Community Building: Foster a sense of community among customers who share common interests or use cases for a product or service.
  • Event Updates: Provide event details and updates to event attendees through WhatsApp Groups.
  • Feedback Collection: Gather customer feedback, reviews, and testimonials in a group setting.

Simpu’s WhatsApp Groups Management feature is a valuable tool for businesses seeking to leverage WhatsApp as a customer communication channel, build customer communities, and provide efficient customer support through this popular messaging platform.

Contacts CRM

A Contacts Customer Relationship Management (CRM) feature is a tool that businesses use to manage and centralize customer data, interactions, and relationships. Simpu’s Contacts CRM feature is designed to provide businesses with a comprehensive platform for organizing and optimizing their customer relationships.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Centralized Customer Data
  2. 360-Degree View
  3. Data Organization
  4. Communication History
  5. Task and Appointment Management
  6. Automated Workflows
  7. Lead and Deal Management

Use Cases:

  • Customer Relationship Management: Maintain a comprehensive record of customer interactions, preferences, and purchase history to build and strengthen relationships.
  • Sales Pipeline Management: Track leads and opportunities through the sales process, manage quotes, and forecast revenue.
  • Customer Support: Centralize support requests, track ticket status, and ensure timely responses and resolutions.
  • Marketing Campaigns: Segment customer lists for targeted marketing campaigns and measure campaign effectiveness.
  • Data Analysis: Analyze customer data to identify trends, preferences, and areas for improvement.

Simpu’s Contacts CRM feature is a valuable tool for businesses seeking to enhance their customer relationship management efforts. By centralizing customer data and providing tools for data analysis, task management, and communication history tracking, it can help businesses improve customer interactions, streamline processes, and make data-driven decisions.


Analytics in the context of Simpu refers to the collection and analysis of data related to customer interactions, conversations, and team performance. Simpu’s Analytics feature provides businesses with valuable insights into these aspects, enabling data-driven decision-making and optimization of customer communication strategies.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Conversational Insights
  2. Performance Metrics
  3. Team Productivity
  4. Conversation Trends
  5. Customer Behavior Analysis
  6. Customizable Reports
  7. Integration with Other Data Sources

Use Cases:

  • Customer Service Optimization: Analyze response times and resolution rates to optimize customer support workflows and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Marketing Campaign Effectiveness: Assess the success of email marketing and SMS campaigns by tracking open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
  • Product Development: Analyze customer feedback and behavior to identify product improvement opportunities and new product ideas.
  • Sales Performance: Measure sales team performance by analyzing lead conversion rates, sales cycles, and revenue growth.
  • Customer Segmentation: Segment customers based on their behavior and preferences to create targeted marketing campaigns.

Simpu’s Analytics feature is a powerful tool for businesses looking to gain insights from customer interactions, improve team performance, and make informed decisions. By leveraging data-driven insights, businesses can enhance their customer communication strategies, identify growth opportunities, and remain competitive in their markets.

Review Invitations

Review Invitations are a feature within Simpu that allows businesses to send invitations to their customers, encouraging them to leave reviews or testimonials about their products or services. This feature is particularly valuable for businesses looking to harness positive customer feedback and turn satisfied customers into advocates for their brand.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Customer Engagement
  2. Positive Feedback
  3. Online Reputation Management
  4. Review Platform Integration
  5. Customizable Templates
  6. Incentives.
  7. Feedback Collection

Use Cases:

  • E-commerce: Encourage customers to leave reviews about their shopping experience, products purchased, or the overall online shopping process.
  • Hospitality and Restaurants: Solicit guest reviews about their dining experience, accommodations, or travel-related services.
  • Service Providers: Request reviews from clients after successfully delivering services, such as consulting, legal, or home services.
  • Local Businesses: Gather reviews from local customers to improve visibility and attract new clientele.

Best Practices:

  • Timing: Send review invitations shortly after a positive customer interaction or successful purchase to capture their enthusiasm.
  • Personalization: Personalize review invitations by addressing customers by name and mentioning specific details of their experience.
  • Clear CTA: Include a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) that directs customers to the review platform.

Simpu’s Review Invitations feature is a valuable tool for businesses looking to harness the power of customer testimonials and online reviews to enhance their brand reputation, attract new customers, and build trust within their target audience.


Reports within the Simpu platform allow users to generate detailed and data-driven reports to assess the success and performance of various marketing campaigns, customer interactions, and other aspects of their business operations. These reports provide valuable insights that help businesses make informed decisions and optimize their strategies.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Data Visualization
  2. Customization
  3. Multiple Data Sources
  4. Marketing Campaign Assessment
  5. Customer Engagement
  6. Segmentation Analysis
  7. A/B Testing Results
  8. Conversion Funnel Analysis
  9. Time-Based Trends
  10. Export and Sharing

Use Cases:

  • Email Marketing Reports: Assess the performance of email marketing campaigns, track subscriber engagement, and refine email content based on data insights.
  • SMS Marketing Reports: Analyze the success of SMS marketing campaigns, track delivery rates, and optimize messaging strategies.
  • Customer Service Reports: Measure response times, customer satisfaction, and issue resolution rates to improve customer support processes.
  • Sales Performance Reports: Evaluate sales team performance, monitor sales pipeline progress, and identify areas for improvement.

Best Practices:

  • Set clear objectives and goals for the reports to ensure that the data analysis aligns with business objectives.
  • Regularly review and analyze reports to make timely adjustments to marketing strategies and customer interactions.
  • Share reports with relevant team members or stakeholders to foster data-driven decision-making across the organization.

Simpu’s Reports feature is a crucial tool for businesses aiming to assess the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, customer interactions, and overall business performance. By leveraging data-driven insights, businesses can refine their strategies, optimize campaigns, and achieve better results.

Data Management

Data Management within Simpu refers to a set of features and tools that businesses can use to effectively manage and enhance the quality of their customer data. Good data management is essential for ensuring that customer information is accurate, up-to-date, and organized for various marketing and communication purposes.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. List Management
  2. Advanced Segmentation
  3. Data Enrichment
  4. Data Cleansing
  5. Data Privacy Compliance
  6. Data Export and Import

Use Cases:

  • Targeted Marketing: Advanced segmentation allows businesses to target specific customer groups with tailored marketing messages and offers.
  • Personalization: Data enrichment helps in personalizing customer interactions by providing additional context and information.

Best Practices:

  • Regularly update and cleanse customer data to ensure accuracy.
  • Segment customer lists strategically to deliver personalized content and offers.
  • Protect customer data by implementing robust security measures.

Simpu’s Data Management features are crucial for businesses seeking to maintain accurate and organized customer data. By effectively managing and enhancing their customer information, businesses can improve their marketing efforts, enhance customer experiences, and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

Data Capture Forms

Data Capture Forms are tools within Simpu that enable businesses to collect feedback, gather essential customer information, and capture data directly from customers or website visitors. These forms are valuable for various purposes, including market research, lead generation, and customer engagement.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Customizable Forms
  2. Feedback Collection
  3. Lead Generation
  4. Customer Information

Use Cases:

  • Customer Surveys: Create surveys to collect feedback on products, services, or customer experiences.
  • Lead Generation: Use forms on landing pages to capture contact information from website visitors.
  • Event Registration: Allow customers to register for events or webinars.
  • Contact Us Forms: Provide a way for customers to get in touch with inquiries or support requests.
  • Product Feedback: Gather feedback on new product features or improvements.

Simpu’s Data Capture Forms feature is a versatile tool for businesses looking to collect feedback, generate leads, and gather customer information in a structured and organized manner. These forms can play a crucial role in enhancing customer engagement, improving products and services, and supporting marketing initiatives.

Integration with Third-Party Data Sources:

Simpu’s integration capabilities allow businesses to connect their customer communication platform with various third-party data sources, applications, and services. These integrations enhance customer understanding and campaign effectiveness by providing access to external data and automating data transfer between systems.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Enhanced Customer Understanding
  2. Campaign Effectiveness
  3. Data Enrichment

Use Cases:

  • Social Media Integration: Integrate with social media platforms to gather insights from customer interactions and engage with customers on social channels.
  • CRM Integration: Connect with CRM systems to access customer profiles, purchase history, and sales data for personalized marketing.
  • E-commerce Integration: Automate the transfer of e-commerce order data, allowing for order confirmations, shipping notifications, and customer support.
  • Email Marketing Integration: Synchronize customer data between Simpu and email marketing platforms to coordinate email campaigns effectively.

Simpu’s Integration with Third-Party Data Sources feature is valuable for businesses seeking to leverage external data to enhance customer understanding, improve campaign targeting, and streamline data management processes. By integrating with relevant data sources, businesses can create more effective and data-driven customer communication strategies.

Developer APIs

Simpu provides Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that developers can leverage to build custom applications and integrate Simpu’s functionality into their systems or platforms. These APIs enable developers to extend the capabilities of Simpu, including sending SMS messages, WhatsApp messages, and One-Time Passwords (OTPs) to customers programmatically.

Key Benefits and Features:

  1. Custom Application Development
  2. Messaging Integration
  3. OTP Generation and Verification
  4. Automation
  5. Custom Reporting and Analytics
  6. Multi-Channel Support


  • Custom Mobile Apps: Developers can create custom mobile applications that leverage Simpu’s messaging capabilities for customer engagement.
  • E-commerce Integration: Integrate Simpu’s APIs with e-commerce platforms to automate order updates, shipping notifications, and customer support.
  • Authentication: Use Simpu’s OTP generation and verification APIs for secure user authentication and account verification.
  • Marketing Automation: Developers can build marketing automation platforms that utilize Simpu’s messaging and reporting APIs to execute targeted marketing campaigns.

Simpu’s Developer APIs feature provides businesses with the flexibility to customize their customer communication solutions and build applications tailored to their unique requirements. This can lead to enhanced customer engagement, improved efficiency, and the ability to create innovative customer experiences.

Technical Details

Support: Online
Customer Type: Large Enterprises, Medium Business, Small Business
Deployment: SaaS/Web/Cloud
Official Website: Simpu Official Website
Category: Customer Success Software

Pricing Details

  • basic Plan: Simpu provides a basic plan is priced at $54 with certain features available at no cost.
  • Pro Plan: The Pro Plan is priced at $500 per user per anum.
  • Business Plan: The Business Plan is contact sales.


  1. Freshdesk
  • Freshdesk is one of the alternatives to Simpu. It is a customer support software that helps businesses reduce churn and expand their customer base.

2. Intercom

  • Intercom is another alternative to Simpu. It offers solutions for customer communication and engagement, helping businesses connect with their customers.

3. Salesforce Service Cloud

  • Salesforce Service Cloud is a comprehensive customer service and support platform that businesses can use as an alternative to Simpu.

4. Front

  • The front provides shared inbox solutions and can be considered an alternative for teams looking to streamline communication.

5. Podium

  • Podium offers messaging and customer interaction tools in one platform, making it a potential alternative to Simpu.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Where is Simpu located?
  • It Was located in New York City, New York, United States. Their headquarters address is 99 Hudson St Fl 5, New York City, New York, 10013.

2. What is Simpu’s official website?

3. What is Simpu’s Revenue?

  • Simpu’s revenue is reported to be less than $5 million.

4. What industry does Simpu belong to?

  • Simpu belongs to the Business Intelligence (BI) Software industry, as well as Software Development & Design.

5. What technology does Simpu use?

  • The listed technologies associated with Simpu include AWS Web Hosting by Amazon, Embedly, reCAPTCHA by Google, and Webflow by Webflow.

6. Who is the CEO of Simpu?

  • The CEO of Simpu is Collins Iheagwara.

7. Is Simpu a public company?

  • Simpu is a private company and therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol.


In conclusion, Simpu is a comprehensive Unified Customer Communication Platform designed to empower businesses with a wide range of tools and features aimed at enhancing customer satisfaction and driving growth. Key features of the platform include Shared Inbox, Live Chat, Chatbot, Email Marketing, SMS Marketing, WhatsApp Group Management, Contacts CRM, Analytics, Review Invitations, Reports, Data Management, Data Capture Forms, Integration with Third-Party Data Sources, Developer APIs, and Developer Support.

Overall, Simpu offers a versatile and user-friendly solution for businesses seeking to streamline customer communication, manage customer data effectively, and deliver targeted marketing campaigns. By leveraging Simpu’s features, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, drive growth, and remain competitive in their markets.

Get Your Simpu’s FREE-Trial Today >

Originally published at on September 20, 2023.



Spandana Andela
Meet Candid

Meet Spandana, storyteller and an AI inspired Copywriter with a degree in Engineering . As an AI Copywriter, My work is infused with creativity and flair.