Meet Jean, who feels more secure using Lima because it’s private

Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2016

My name is Jean, I am 53 yo, I have worked in IT for 20 years. I was the IT manager of a pharmaceutical company, and I was taking care of backups and administrative duties. I quit 3 years ago to feed my love for startups and become an investor. I am definitely into tech!

Why I chose Lima

For professional reasons, I travel back and forth between Paris and the South of France. I used to take a hard drive with me, where all my files were stored. But:

  • I was always missing files
  • I had different versions of the same file, and I was confused … which one was the latest one?

I had this problem with almost 20% of my files, which is a lot! I needed to find a solution quickly: the private Cloud seemed just what I needed. One day, I sent the wrong version of a document to a client, and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back!

I discovered Lima on Techcrunch

I heard about the successful crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, and I started looking into it. I was an early backer, and I loved the product right away! It was meeting my needs 100%.

The first thing I did was to scan my most important files like my passeport, and those of my children. They actually often call me when they need a specific information because they know that I always have all the info with me, on my phone.

I am very careful about data security

Having my data on a hard drive is not enough: a friend of mine put his in a safe! I am convinced that data hacking will soon become a national sport …

I have free access to OneDrive because of my former job, so I use both Lima and the Cloud. But to be honest, I feel more secure using Lima because it’s private: my data is not stored on an unknown server. For security reasons, I feel more comfortable with this idea.

My hard drive crashed once

And that was scary … I have always been aware that backup is extremely important so all my data was saved somewhere else … I was lucky. At the time, I did not know about the backup plan. That’s something I would have done for sure!

I felt torn apart: on one side, I wanted to protect my data from being stolen or hacked, which could happen if I store it in a Cloud service. On the other side, I wanted to protect it from a hard drive crash or theft … so the Backup plan looks like the perfect solution.



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Access your files from all your devices. Keep those files safe at home. Just the way it should be.