Meet Jeff, adopter of Lima Ultra

Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2017

I bought a Lima Original when it was released from Kickstarter, and upgraded to the Ultra a few months ago. Speed is phenomenal for transfer on the Ultra! It took me less than an hour to transfer 250G of data. I can’t find anything better on the market, and here is why:

I was tired of paying for a Cloud service.

I used the Clouds, but I found it limiting regarding the storage space you’re getting. Also, you have to pay for it. I think Lima’s cost is very reasonable for a one time fee. No subscriptions needed. And it was extremely easy to set up on my two devices: a Mac Book pro and an iPhone.

I love having immediate backup.

I shoot photos and videos as a hobby, and having immediate backup is key for me. I usually shoot videos with the iPhone, and photos with a camera. As soon as I connect to the wifi, photos and videos are transferred to Lima and automatically backed up, which I found very reassuring (I chose not to enable files transfer on cellular data).

I travel without thinking logistic.

My files are already with me! When I go on vacations, I take my laptop and I can access my movie library, or any other files I would need. I work directly on files that are stored on Lima. That’s convenient! I sleep on music as well, and my entire music library is at my fingertips.

It frees space on my smartphone.

I can shoot as many videos as I need to without fearing storage shortage. I just love having this freedom: I feel like I have control over things and unlimited possibilities.

To sum up, I have control over my data.

I do not depend on a Cloud service, and I control what’s with me. And it’s great for non-tech people: a 3 steps installation that are very smooth.



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Access your files from all your devices. Keep those files safe at home. Just the way it should be.