Meet Pascal, unconvinced by Synology

Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2016


My name is Pascal, I am 35 yo, I work in Domotic. Technology is more than just a hobby to me and I like to follow up on what’s going on.

I discovered Lima on Kickstarter

I like to follow new products. I am very attached to data protection. It’s fundamental to me. So, Lima caught my attention right away. I followed up the project and I bought it a year ago. It was incredibly easy to install and use, and I keep talking about the product around me. I like this idea of being able to transport my data easily and everywhere.

I connected 4 devices to Lima

1 Mac with 2 sessions (1 windows et 1 Mac), and 2 iPhones. I don’t have a lot of space on my devices, especially on smartphones, so I liked being able to expand the storage capacity of those devices. It’s very flexible and I love it.

I use it mostly for music and photos

I like that Lima is buffering the tracks before I play them, it’s so convenient! I have a few documents as well, but storing and playing media is mostly why I am using Lima. Not so much for movie as my bandwidth is too slow at home.

I tested Synology but I was not convinced

The device doesn’t offer peer-to-peer technology. You have to be a tech guy to get direct access to your data without involving servers (you need to open ports for example). It’s complicated. With Lima, you take any hard drive and it works!

The peer-to-peer feature is a winner

It works super well. As soon as you add something on the Lima, it’s visible right away everywhere else. That’s pretty magical to witness! I am interested to get a second Lima to backup my data. I was wondering at the beginning when you guys would release this feature! It’s a great idea. For the moment, I back up everything on an other hard drive, so this would solve the problem.

I wish that the iPhone app was as complete as the Android app ;)

But I know it’s coming! Like having the photos uploading to Lima in the background instead of foreground would be amazing. At the moment it can be slow if I have too many files to handle. I’d love to see a family plan as well, with the ability to have named folders for each member of the family.

I was waiting for that kind of tool because I am very focused on data privacy and I never found something equivalent on the market. You are the only one to offer this kind of service!



Editor for

Access your files from all your devices. Keep those files safe at home. Just the way it should be.