Our Users Stories: Meet Cécile

Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2016

My name is Cecile, I am an independent graphic designer. I discovered Lima on Facebook and I was immediately attracted by the simplicity of the ad. It made me think of Apple (and I love Apple!!) so I was very curious to discover the product.

I used to use Dropbox to exchange files. Then I switched to iCloud.

It was easier for me as all my devices were on Mac OS: I have an iPhone, a Mac, and a Macbook.

But something has always bothered me.

Knowing that somebody could access some of my sensitive files has given me goosebumps for a long time. As an independent designer, I work on prototypes which need to stay private until they are released: a stolen file can cost me a lot.

The privacy control and affordable price were two key arguments.

I like that I can visualize my Cloud at home: it makes me feel better!

It was very intuitive as far as installing it and using it. I had a few issues at the beginning as my Lima was getting disconnected from my Mac base. But now that I got a hand around it, it works great.

I wondered about backup pretty quickly: I tried to use it with Time Machine but it’s not the best. So I am thinking about getting a second Lima!

“I was nicely surprised, the entire process was very intuitive”

The way I use it is mostly for professional purposes.

Having access to my documents anywhere I am is incredibly satisfying. I plugged a 2TB hard drive to Lima, and that suits my needs at the moment. I use Lima mostly for my documents, not with my pictures and music yet.

I wish I could share files, especially with my clients. That was a recurrent issue with Dropbox or iCloud: either the files were too big and took forever to be sent, or they took too much space on the client’s local memories. So … I can’t wait to see what will Lima do about that :)



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Access your files from all your devices. Keep those files safe at home. Just the way it should be.