The 3–2–1 backup rule

Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2017

Losing data is one of the worst nightmare. We know! And it doesn’t take much to happen. Here is a hint on the best practices to manage data the best way possible.

Keep 3 copies of your data

At least. You should have the original files along with two copies of those files.

Use 2 different storage devices to backup your data

If you keep two copies of your data on the same storage device, you’ll lose everything at once if something happens to this device. For example, if you store your photos on your laptop, get an external hard drive to store a copy of your precious photos. It could be a Cloud storage as well: your photos will then be stored on a server. Your choice about the combination!

Have 1 backup offsite

If your original files are stored on your computer at home, one solution could be to store one copie on an external hard drive at home, and the other on a Cloud service. If you do not feel confortable with having your data stored on a Cloud service, you could also store the third copy on another external hard drive that you’ll keep at your workplace or at a friend’s place. Offsite storage is life saving if something like a fire or flooding happens in your home.

The 3–2–1 rule with Lima’s Backup plan

Your data is precious and we, at Lima, want to make sure you keep it stored and secure. With the backup plan, your data will sync automatically between two or three (or more) Lima devices. You can set up one Lima at work or at a friend’s place to have one copy of your file offsite. With Lima, you get the 3–2–1 backup rule right!



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Access your files from all your devices. Keep those files safe at home. Just the way it should be.