Embracing the Vincentian Mission: Finding Solace, Purpose, and Compassion

meghna mayuri
Meet Me at the Mission
7 min readJun 1, 2023
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Finding moments of solitude and inner peace in today’s fast-paced world can be a real challenge. However, I have discovered a beautiful concept rooted in the teachings and values of St. Vincent de Paul that has guided me on a journey of self-discovery, compassion, and spiritual rejuvenation — the Vincentian Mission. In this blog post, I will share my personal experience of seeking solitude through the Vincentian Mission, and how it has helped me foster a deeper connection with myself, others, and the world around me. Throughout my journey, there have been key moments and people who have shaped me into the leader I am today. Reflecting on my lifeline journaling activity, I can’t help but be grateful for the invaluable lessons I’ve learned and the individuals who have influenced my growth.

One such pivotal moment was when I transferred to DePaul University during the midst of the pandemic. It was a time filled with uncertainty and isolation, but it was also a time of self-discovery. As I navigated through Zoom classes and adjusted to a new environment, I realized the importance of connection and community. Despite the limitations of online interactions, I strived to form deep connections with my classmates, even if it meant stepping outside my comfort zone.

Discovering the Vincentian Mission:

During my search for solace and spirituality, I stumbled upon the Vincentian Mission, which resonated deeply with my desire for connection and purpose. Learning about the life and teachings of St. Vincent de Paul and the principles of compassion, empathy, and service that underpin the Vincentian Mission, I realized that it held the potential to guide me through these challenging times.

My journey towards Vincentian Mission is quite Interesting because I learned the purpose of the mission as I was Immersing myself in a course offered by DePaul University. As I was battling my pain to find some peace at heart, I was advised by my academic advisor to take a Roman Catholic — Social Context/Thought course. Following the recommendation, I registered for the course taught by Instructor Dvorak Joyana. I saw this as an opportunity to balance the pressures of my STEM classes during these challenging times. I remember the first day of the class vividly, as soon as I entered the Zoom meeting, Joyana warmly welcomed all the students with a heartfelt message and played a nostalgic pop song from the 90s to uplift our spirits. This was a unique and refreshing experience that I had not encountered with any of my previous professors. I was truly impressed, and maybe that’s the reason I still value stick to her values and teachings.

Throughout the quarter, Joyana introduced us to the course, which explored Roman Catholic Social Thought through the lens of transformative models of Vincentian leadership. We delved into the rich Vincentian tradition by learning about key figures such as Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac, Frederic Ozanam, Rosalie Rendu, and Elizabeth Ann Seton. We connected the wisdom from these leaders to our understanding of the current signs of the times.We delved into their historical context and the challenges they faced, their experiences of church and spirituality, the influences that shaped them as leaders, and the legacies they left behind.

While this course offered me an opportunity to connect with the rich Vincentian tradition, gain wisdom from transformative leaders, and explore the application of their teachings in service, leadership, and spirituality, I was particular Impressed by one of the story that was narrated to us about Vincent DePaul. The story In short was as follows…

Vincent was asked to visit a dying peasant one day at his bedside. He was taken aback by the poverty and sorrow that surrounded him as soon as he entered the small cottage. The peasant voiced his intense need for spiritual comfort and guidance while tears streamed down his face. Vincent sat down by the man and spoke words of comfort and optimism after being struck by his vulnerability and the appalling circumstances he was living in. After that life-changing encounter, Vincent saw the need of helping the underprivileged and disadvantaged by offering them not just spiritual support but also tangible support.

This story highlights the fundamental values that Vincent and I hold and they are: compassion, empathy, and a dedication to helping people in need. The key message of Vincent’s teachings can be seen by his ability to understand the peasant’s suffering and provide sincere support. He believed in the transformational power of love and compassion and acknowledged the inherent dignity of every person, regardless of socioeconomic standing.

This story of Vincent de Paul’s encounter with the dying peasant holds a deeply personal significance for me, as it resonates with a challenging period in my own life. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself consumed by worry for my family and friends in India. The devastating surge in cases and the alarming death rates left me feeling helpless and desperate for ways to make a difference.Tragically, it was during this time that I experienced the profound loss of my beloved grandmother, who had been a pillar of strength and love in my life. The pain of losing her to a situation that seemed beyond my control shook me to the core. It was in the midst of this grief and helplessness that the teachings of the Vincentian Mission and the support by Joyan, came to my aid.

Through the Vincentian Mission’s emphasis on compassion and service, I began to find solace and purpose in helping others. I realized that while I couldn’t change the circumstances that had caused my grandmother’s passing, I could still make a difference in the lives of those who were suffering due to the pandemic. Inspired by Vincent’s example and guided by Joyan’s mentorship, I started reaching out to local organizations and volunteering my time and resources to provide support to those in need.By extending a helping hand, I discovered a newfound sense of empowerment and healing. While I couldn’t bring my grandmother back, I could honor her memory by being there for others in their time of need. The Vincentian teachings reminded me of the interconnectedness of humanity and the importance of selfless service. They instilled in me a renewed commitment to making a positive impact, no matter how small, in the lives of those affected by adversity.In this transformative period, I not only found solace in helping others, but I also experienced the power of community and support. Joyana’s guidance and the collective efforts of the Vincentian community provided me with the strength and encouragement to navigate through my grief while channeling my energy towards meaningful action.

Solace and Journaling :

The practice of solitude journaling played a crucial role in my self-development. Throughout the course, we were encouraged to seek moments of solitude and reflection, and journaling became a powerful tool in this process. Taking the time to introspect, express my thoughts, and document my experiences allowed me to gain clarity, deepen my self-awareness, and foster personal growth.

Solitude journaling provided a space for me to explore my emotions, aspirations, and challenges. It became a sanctuary where I could freely express my thoughts without judgment. Through the act of putting pen to paper, I found solace, release, and a deeper understanding of myself. It allowed me to navigate the complexities of life and make sense of my experiences.As I continued practicing solitude journaling beyond the course, I discovered its long-lasting benefits. Journaling became a regular part of my self-care routine, a source of comfort during difficult times, and a platform for self-reflection. It provided me with a sense of clarity and helped me uncover patterns, identify areas for personal growth, and celebrate my achievements.

In conclusion, solitude journaling has played a pivotal role in my self-development. It has provided me with a space for introspection, self-expression, and personal growth. By incorporating journaling into my daily life, I have found a powerful tool for self-reflection, goal-setting, and emotional well-being. The practice of solitude journaling will forever be a part of my journey towards self-development and living a purposeful and fulfilling life. I will eternally be grateful to the Vincentian teachings that have been taught Joyana as they helped me become a better person but also they helped me find my purpose.

Passing on the Vincentian Mission

In my area of study, career, and leadership, I am committed to bringing the legacy of the Vincentian Mission to life by embodying its values and principles. As I pursue my career, I strive to integrate the spirit of compassion, empathy, and service into everything I do. Whether it is through my interactions with colleagues, clients, or the community, I aim to approach each situation with a genuine desire to make a positive impact.

To connect Vincentian wisdom to my mission statement, I recognize the importance of understanding and addressing the needs of others. I believe that leadership is not solely about achieving personal success but also about uplifting those around us. By incorporating the Vincentian values of selflessness, social justice, and solidarity into my mission statement, I commit to working towards creating a more equitable and compassionate world.

In summary, my mission is to bring the legacy of the Vincentian Mission to life in my area of study, career, and leadership. I will strive to embody its values of compassion, empathy, and service, and integrate them into my daily actions. Through education, collaboration, and a commitment to addressing the needs of others, I aim to contribute to a more equitable and compassionate world. By aligning my mission statement with the Vincentian wisdom, I will actively work towards solutions that promote social justice, empower marginalized communities, and create a positive impact on the lives of others.

