Bermuda Triangle — Fascinating Facts and Mysteries

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6 min readApr 8, 2023

The Enigma of the BERMUDA TRIANGLE | SEASON 1 EP 10 | #bermuda

The legend of the Bermuda Triangle began hundreds of years ago, with the mysterious sinking and disappearance of ships and aircraft in the area. It continued through the 1940’s with numerous unexplained plane crashes and disappearances, many of which remain unsolved mysteries. Numerous theories have been floated to explain away these various tragedies and rationalize them with solutions — a typical human behavior! True to human nature, an abundance of possible answers have been devised to debunk the Bermuda Triangle Mystery, leaving one overwhelmed with choices.

The ocean has always been a mysterious place for humans, and when foul weather or poor navigation is involved, it can be a very deadly place. This is true all over the world. There is no evidence that mysterious disappearances occur with any greater frequency in the Bermuda Triangle than in any other large, well-travelled area of the ocean.

For decades, the Atlantic Ocean’s fabled Bermuda Triangle has captured the human imagination with unexplained disappearances of ships, planes, and people. Some speculate that unknown and mysterious forces account for the unexplained disappearances, such as extraterrestrials capturing humans for study, the influence of the lost continent of Atlantis, vortices that suck objects into other dimensions, and other whimsical ideas. Some explanations are more grounded in science, if not in evidence. These include oceanic flatulence (methane gas erupting from ocean sediments) and disruptions in geomagnetic lines of flux.

Environmental considerations could explain many, if not most, of the disappearances. The majority of Atlantic tropical storms and hurricanes pass through the Bermuda Triangle, and in the days prior to improved weather forecasting, these dangerous storms claimed many ships. Also, the Gulf Stream can cause rapid, sometimes violent, changes in weather. Additionally, the large number of islands in the Caribbean Sea creates many areas of shallow water that can be treacherous to ship navigation. And there is some evidence to suggest that the Bermuda Triangle is a place where a “magnetic” compass sometimes points towards “true” north, as opposed to “magnetic” north.

The U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard contend that there are no supernatural explanations for disasters at sea. Their experience suggests that the combined forces of nature and human fallibility outdo even the most incredulous science fiction. They add that no official maps exist that delineate the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle. The U. S. Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name and does not maintain an official file on the area. Sometimes called the Devil’s Triangle or Hurricane Alley, this is a region found in the western parts of the North Atlantic Ocean.

The area of the Bermuda Triangle is heavily travelled by a large number of boats and planes, so many believe that it makes sense that a lot of accidents happen there just by chance, as opposed to less-travelled areas. The Bermuda Triangle has been appearing in various forms of media in pop culture for years, with most of these appearances attributing elements of paranormal activity or fantasy to the things that occur in that region. There were several notable disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle region, including the Ellen Austin, the USS Cyclops, Flight 19, Connemara IV, and many more.

Humans often have a habit of believing that they have more knowledge than they actually do. Very little is known even about planet Earth, and if one takes a step back and looks at the surrounding universe us, even lesser is known. When one talks about just planet Earth, the fact that one knows little about it sounds truer by just focusing on the oceans. A large part of our oceans are still unexplored, and who knows what kinds of mysteries and secrets they hide.

Still, one of the most well-known mysteries found in the oceans is the Bermuda Triangle. The region is loosely defined, and it is known as the place where several ships and planes disappeared under inexplicable circumstances. Most sources, however, refuse to believe that it is a mystery, but there is still no valid and realistic explanation as to why these boats and aircrafts have disappeared. No matter the cause, this region has been the subject of many debates, and its mysteries continue to enchant everyone to this day!

The Origin of The Mystery

The name “Bermuda Triangle” was given to this region by writer Vincent Gaddis in 1964. He came up with the phrase while writing for the men’s pulp magazine called Argosy. Still, he was not the one that made this region famous and gave it international notoriety. Charles Berlitz was the one that did that — a man whose family was behind extremely popular language learning courses. He was obsessed with the paranormal and believed that Atlantis was real and was connected to the Bermuda Triangle. He talked about this theory in his book, fittingly titled “The Bermuda Triangle,” and it became a bestseller. After that huge burst of popularity, many other media outlets started to talk about it, and the mystery became common knowledge.

Surreal Explanations

Many people have tried to explain the mystery through the years. Some writers tried to expand upon the idea that the region was connected to Atlantis. They believed that this mythical city could be found at the bottom of the ocean, and it used its legendary crystal energies to sink boats and airplanes. Other theories were even more interesting. One suggested that the Bermuda Triangle was a time portal, although no one could explain why a rift in the fabric of space-time appeared exactly on that spot. Others tried explaining it by involving extraterrestrials, but those theories were completely unconvincing. Still, when it comes to the Bermuda Triangle, anything is possible.

Trying To Make Sense Out Of It

Naturally, some tried giving a more realistic explanation, mostly dealing with geology. Scientists suggested that these airplanes and ships were destroyed by flammable methane gas. Pockets filled with this gas can be found near the bottom of the ocean in many places, which is a well-known fact, and these people suggest that an electrical spark or lightning ignited a bubble of methane that came to the surface and caused the ships to sink. Still, this theory is not completely valid, since methane can be found all over the world, and nowhere else have these types of accidents happened.

This could be a valid explanation if one forgets the fact that these pilots are trained to fly even without navigation; so the possibility of this happening is extremely small. Also, it does not explain how ships managed to disappear. There is an entire webpage made by the US Navy dedicated to the debunking of this idea.

A Fabricated Mystery?

Many people do not believe that there is a mystery that should be explained whatsoever. Larry Kusche, a journalist, wanted to discover the origin of all of these mysteries and came up with an unexpected answer. He believed that there is no mystery whatsoever and that the stories about all of these mysterious disappearances were created by mistake. He claimed that some people even went so far as to fabricate these tales to create a mystery. He claimed that most researchers didn’t investigate the disappearances properly and that a lot of their reports contained old data, which was mostly false. He even analyzed the books that dealt with the paranormal aspects of the Bermuda Triangle and managed to find errors there, which would mean that a lot of the mystery surrounding this region is made up of people wanting to create an interesting story.


Still, no one knows the truth about this region for sure. While many believe it to be a mystery, there are many others who believe that there is a logical explanation to it. No one knows if one will ever learn the truth, but the fact remains that the Bermuda Triangle will continue to give interesting stories and theories in the years to come.

Wading through the endless possibilities can often become more confusing; there are many theories out there that both support and contradict the many hypotheses about the ‘triangle’. Many explanations might have been heard involving magnetic poles, topography or even the supernatural. Regardless of what one chooses to believe, one thing is certain; getting lost in the Bermuda Triangle will always be one of those phenomenona widely debated beyond logic and reasoning.




Meenamma is a typical modern Indian woman. A true woman of the world who is timeless in her wit and humour