MEET.ONE Annual Recap

Published in
6 min readJul 10, 2019

Dear community members

We are pleased to have opportunities to be engaged in EOS ecology constructions even before EOS mainnet launch. Over the past year and a half, we have made couples of explorations on how to improve EOSIO technologies, products, and user education. We are glad to share every progress with you in this article.


1. Stable and Successive Block Productions

According to statistics from EOS BP Reliability Tracker (developed by Aloha EOS), EOS Authority, EOS Nation and MEET.ONE were tied for first places in terms of node reliability as of June 20th, 2019.

EOS BP Reliability Tracker generates an EOS BP reliability index that is used to evaluate the server maintenance quality of each node by auditing the number of missed rounds, availability, recovery time and other metrics from BPs.

2. One of the Asian BPs whose API Receiving the Most Requests

MEET.ONE’s API is one of the interfaces receiving the largest number of requests in Asia, processing over 100 million requests every day, with a peak QPS of 8000+. It has provided service for hundreds of Dapp teams.

3.Deep Engagements in EOSIO Developer Community

MEET.ONE CTO wuyahuang (Github name) was invited to be the EOSIO technology mentor of B1’s first Hong Kong hackathon in 2018 and made a joint effort to set up and activate Scholar Testnet with EOS Nation, EOS Cannon, etc. Since early 2018 when DAWN 2.0 was launched, he has been continuously offering technical support to BPs. Besides, he has published over 30 articles in MEET.ONE Labs’ GitHub. As a community contributor, the MEET.ONE Lab led by our CTO wuyahuang was publicly acknowledged numerous times by the official EOSIO development team.

4. Active Participations in multi-sig Proposals

As an active BP, MEET.ONE proactively participated in multi-sig proposals such as supporting REX, private key loss recovery, EOS Mainnet CPU parameter adjustment, burning of eos tokens accumulated in the eosio.saving account as well as other proposals to improve EOS governance.

5. Improve the Performance of EOS MongoDB Plugin

MEET.ONE improved EOSIO MongoDB plugin codes, which was validated to be useful in the production environment. This optimization has enhanced the performance of EOSIO MongoDB plugin and has been adopted in real practices. According to the test results, in a case of processing large blocks, the new code can serialize on-chain data to the database in a speed of 40–50 times faster than the previous version of code from

6. Explore More Possibilities of EOSIO

a. The Solution of Privacy-preserving Algorithm

MEET.ONE is working with Australian Monash University’s Blockchain Lab to develop a privacy-preserving algorithm solution. In June 2018, MEET.ONE signed a research agreement on “The Privacy-preserving Cryptographic Algorithm for EOS”. This project is led by Dr. Joseph Liu, the author of the MONERO (XMR) Ring Signature Algorithm. Relevant results are expected to be released in the Q3 of 2019.

b. Standardized Domain Name Solution

MEET.ONE is working with top domain registrar,, to map *.luxe domains to all public chain account addresses in a form similar to DNS resolution IP, and develop a standardized domain name solution that will enable all public chain account addresses to be able to map to .luxe domains which will further lower the entry barrier for Internet users to get access to the blockchain space.

Github Link:


1. 02/28/2018 Released the first EOS applet “EOS Assistant” in China

“EOS Assistant” has helped over 50,000 users to acquire EOS mapping skills and verify whether their ethereum-eos snapshot was successful. Daily PV reached 30000+.

2. 05/05/2018 Released the first Chrome-based EOS plugin “EOS KIT”

“EOS KIT” aggregated EOS global news subscriptions, market reference and application display, and has achieved the accumulation of 1300+ users within a month.

3. 06/03/2018 Cooperated with four other BPs to developed the first EOS open source wallet “Pomelo” which has voting functions.

Initially voting on EOS mainnet required users to use command lines which was unfriendly to users. Pomelo was open-source, highly secured and easy to use , which was jointly developed by MEET.ONE, EOS Cannon, EOS Nation, EOSIO.SG and EOSeoul.The wallet significantly improved the voting experience and accelerated the launch of EOS mainnet.

4. 06/15/2018 Became Genesis Block Producer on EOS mainnet

MEET.ONE received over 23,800,000 votes 96 hours after the launch of EOS mainnet. At that time, our BP rank is 14. We produced our first block as a genesis block producer at a block height of 739,616.

5. 06/16/2018 Released EOS candy box MORE.ONE (Android/iOS)

Users can receive airdrops without holding EOS. Over 250,000 users registered in the first week of release and more than 60,000 users installed the app.

6. 06/30/2018 Released EOS Wallet MEET.ONE (Android/iOS)

Users are able to manage their EOS assets, buy/sell RAM, vote, keep up-to-date on EOS news, access dApp as well as a host of other functions. MEET.ONE wallet keeps continuous updates with new features all the time.

7. 08/30/2018 Collaborated with multiple teams to release the SimpleWallet protocol

Users can use the mobile EOS wallet to scan the QR code in PC page, and log in to the PC page of dApps.

8. 09/24/2018 The MEET.ONE wallet is officially compatible with Scatter, allowing seamless access to dApps.

Users can directly login to all dApps which support Scatter in the mobile wallets.


1.05/02/2018 Opened EOS Daily News and EOS Breaking News

MEET.ONE published the first piece of EOS Chinese breaking news, a total of more than 8000 pieces of news so far, syncing EOS news to community members instantly. MEET.ONE now is the largest EOS Chines media. Additionally, MEET.ONE has already set up over 300 Wechat groups, covering 34 provinces in China and other overseas countries including Germany, Japan, the UK, the USA, etc.

2. 05/04/2018 Issued the first Chinese version of EOS 2.0 Whitepaper in Chinese community

This Chinese version of EOS 2.0 whitepaper has been spread among more than 100000 Chinese community users.

3. 08/04/2018 Hosted MEET.ONE — EOS Cannon Xiamen Meet-Up

MEET.ONE launched Xiamen Meet-up with EOS Cannon, introduced EOS and good projects to over 200 community members.

4. 05/25/2018 Hosted a big Meet-up for EOS enthusiasts

At Yunqi 2050 conference, MEET.ONE invited the global EOS enthusiasts to have a Meet-up and displayed the charm of EOS for all attending young people who love blockchain technology. MEET.ONE CEO Goh and CMO Dmitri introduced EOS to audiences. The Chairman of Blockchain Association of Zhejiang University YANG Yihui, EOS Asia LI Jinma both participated in this conference and given speeches. Besides, Thomas Cox and EOS Nation made special welcoming videos for this event. During 2050 conference, MEET.ONE hosted a 2-day EOS technology exhibition and introduced EOS to thousands of young people.

5. 07/24/2018 Co-hosted EOS Family Day, gathered more than 60 global BPs in Shanghai

MEET.ONE Team and EOS Cannon, EOS Gravity co-hosted EOS Family Day party in Shanghai. Thomas B. Cox, Brock Pierce and other famous block producers including 40 foreign and 20 Asian BPs as well as nearly 20 outstanding Dapp teams gathered to explore EOS ecology construction.

6. 29/09/2018 Co-hosted EOS World Tour Xiamen Station

The founders of EOS Park、Token Planets、DAPPX、D Community、WhaleEx and other outstanding Dapp teams shared EOS technology with audiences regarding EOS-based applications from different fields, such as games, DEX, and explorers.

7. 27/04/2019 Originated the special forum for EOS in Yunxi 2050 Conference, introduced EOS to 20000 young people

MEET.ONE Team originated the special forum for EOS at Yunxi 2050 Conference in Hangzhou, China. The forum including Guest Sharing and Roundtable Discussion, invited more than 40 remarkable BPs and dApp leaders globally, to explore how blockchain to empower Internet.

Many team leaders shared their opinions, these teams included EOS Cannon, Starteos, HuobiPool, EOS Beijing, EosStore, EOS SV, eosDublin, EOS Gravity, EOSPhere, EOS Asia, EOS SG, EOS sw/eden, EOS 42, EOSYS, eosBlockSmith, EOS Tribe, WhaleEx, Dcommunity, MYKEY, ITAM GAMES, EOS Studio, Blockchain Association of Zhejiang University, Legal Nodes, Blockdynamics etc. Moreover, the number of on-site visitor flow surpassed 20000.

Due to the limited space, we will introduce the accomplishments that MEET.ONE Chain has achieved in the past half year and the roadmap of future development in the next article.

If you like our team, please vote for us! Our BP account is eosiomeetone.


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