Feedback on the EOS Resource Model

Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2020

Responding to’s call upon the new EOS resource model, MEET.ONE has internally made thorough discussions and also carefully listened to the feedback from our community. Here are some thoughts below we would like to share with you all.

About the Resource Rental Market

According to the formula from the proposal, it seems the function is designed without thorough considerations of the volatile market. Maximum Price parameter is not reasonable. The market is full of fluctuations and we can’t ever know how the market goes. So it’s hard to determine the maximum price. How high will it be, we actually have no ideas. By setting high maximum price, the inefficient resource allocation will occur. To fix the inefficiency, the exponent naturally should be high. Once the exponent is too high, the max price would be equally approaching to the min price, which consequently will lead to a long interval.

In addition, Rental Period at least 30 days is not flexible and customizable. For EOS users, this fixed period doesn’t match to their different rental needs. They have to wait for a long period. Moreover, they still need to pay the monthly bills even they just send transactions 1- 2 times a month. The rental experience is not user-friendly.

Further Improvements on RRM

To build a high-efficiency Resource Rental Market, we put forward two main suggestions as followed,

First of all, adopt Free Rental Market, abandon Centralized Resource Allocation. We suggest creating a free market of resource rentals where allows C2C model and Middleman model to develop at the same time. Specifically speaking, in this free market, users who own surplus resources can lease to those in demand of CPU or Net and get extra leasing incomes. Also, renters get easier access to resources by rentals. Furthermore, middlemen are allowed to bid a set of resources at lower price and lease them to renters who are lack of resources. In a word, let free economy shape the market and make users themselves dominate the rental market based on the normal healthy market operations.

Besides, customized pricing would be the feasible way to monitor the resource prices. EOS community always put token holders into the first place. So it’s better to make EOS users become the decision makers on resource pricing. We highly advise B1 to design Customized Settings through which uses can set the rental cost and rental duration freely. Thus, users are able to decide how much & how long they wanna rent. This approach would greatly ensure the resource cost in line with the actual usage.


The new EOS Resource Model is to increase the alignment of the whole EOS community and maximize the utilization & allocation of resources. MEET.ONE believes Free Market Economy and Customized Pricing will make EOS token holders more accessible to resources, and better cater to different demands of different users on resource rentals. At all events, MEET.ONE is open to discuss resource allocation with the community and would make our endeavors to make it.

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