MEET.ONE side chain settings

Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2019

BPs: TOP 21+N Standby BP

Consensus: ≥15/21

Governance: no

BP incentives: from 2 system accounts


NET: bandwidth and disk storage resources;
CPU: computing resources;
RAM: smart contract storage resources;

Token Allocation:

25% Team

25% MEET.ONE Foundation (10% BP reward,15% Incubator, locked in the smart contract, does not belong to the team)

50% Free market

The producer incentives: is borne by the MEET.ONE Foundation. A total of 100 million MEETONE is spent each year, and there is no inflation for the MEETONE token. At the start of the side chain, the Foundation will transfer 500 million MEETONE tokens to the system accounts eosio.vpay and 500 million MEETONE tokens to eosio.bpay, respectively, for a total of 1 billion, to pay for the MEETONE side chain for ten years. The eosio.bpay account is used to pay out the block rewards to the top 21 Block Producers, and eosio.vpay assigns voting rewards according to the voting weights obtained by all Block Producers. The Block Producer can call claimrewards to receive rewards through the system contract every 24 hours. Block producers cannot submit claims if they have earned less than 1000 MEETONE.


The MEET.ONE sidechain allows the free creation of 12-digit account names ending in “.m”. The names can include the lowercase characters a-z, and the digits 1–5. Creating MEET.ONE sidechain account names consumes the creator’s RAM, but additional sidechain RAM resources can be purchased with MEETONE tokens. The accounts support sending actions to each other, and also support custom response logic for each action. Each account has its own independent database, support for additions and deletions.

The invitation codes create 11-digit account name ending in .m on the EOS main net, all accounts (*.m) will be sync to sidechain for free. After IBC (Inter-Chain Communication) goes online, all EOS mainnet accounts will be sync to side chain.

All accounts of EOS mainnet will be synced with sidechain, owner key and active key are the same as mainnet account, the account name will randomly change to 10 letters + .m .






