What will happen at #B1June?

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12 min readMay 9, 2019

Recently, there have been many exciting developments in the EOS community: REX has attracted more than 50 million EOS within four days of launching, BPs have voted to burn the 34.17 million EOS accumulated from inflation in the eosio.saving account, ECAF has been abolished, and users who have lost their genesis account private key will now be able to recover it through through their ETH private key linked to their EOS genesis account (estimated to be 15–20 million EOS).

The most anticipated event for the community, however, is #B1June! Whatever B1 has in store for us is likely to attract global attention and affect the price of EOS positively. Almost everyone seems to have a theory for what they think will happen come June. We are very curious as well and so we have conducted interviews with more than 20 BPs, dApp developers and community members to see what they think will happen.

The top 10 predictions for #B1June:

1. MEOS — B1’s social network dApp (top prediction)

2. Promote the development of large scale dApps; possibly announce special partnerships with large institutions and/or the government; announcement of new industry talents joining the B1 team.

3. EOSIO 2.0, possibly with a simpler user onboarding design

4. Release wallet, biometric/unique ID codes

5. B1’s roadmap

6. EOS based stable coin


8. 10 million unlocked B1 tokens might be: used to help users create free accounts, used for voting or be burned

9. Allowing BTC and ETH cross-chain transfers through IBC, release EOS sidechain and IBC development roadmap

10. B1 might be involved in other blockchain projects

The following views are from BPs, dApp developers and community members (grouped by content relatedness):

I hope we see an eosio contributions roadmap and a preview of a user-product, like MEOS. Beyond that, I suspect that we will hear a lot about why it’s being held in Washington DC ;)

Editor’s comment: There’s a high likelihood that Washington D.C. holds special significance. Recently Dan and Brendan often tweets politically related contents and sometimes @realDonaldTrump.

My guess is a combination of anouncements — the launch of the social media platform (MEOS); regulatory indication that EOS is a utility token; and a roadmap for the next year. I think we might also see the executive team bring on some addditional world-class renowned talent to the table as well. All and all, I can’t wait for June!

Dan mentioned previously that they will be releasing a roadmap — 6 month, 1 year, 2 year, 5 year — so I expect the news to be quite longterm visioned and big scoped. I’m expecting (maybe more like hoping) for news release from B1 about a potential use case for EOSIO at a higher level such as in governments.

Nate D: I think social/meos is likely, and probably some big partnerships (possibly with the government) to build custom solutions. Beyond that, I suspect it’s going to be something unique that we haven’t thought of. And I think there is a good chance one or more of those involve the b1 account balance 🙂

John McCoffee: Social media that pays you, Unique ID, UBI/URI. Maybe fiat on/off ramp, and something to do with btc.

There is much speculation on the specific products block.one will deliver, whatever the announcements one thing is for certain, they will be focused on attracting mainstream real world users and businesses. The EOSphere Team believe that due to the #B1JUNE event happening in D.C. and block.one confirming their intent to develop hybrid public/private chains for governments… we feel it’s likely this will form part of the announcement. We also expect a feature complete wallet, a social media platform, and at least one application to support enterprise level adoption.

1. Our team predicts that B1 will release MEOS and start to voice their opinion by voting on issues on the referendum.

2. I predict that B1 will release an on-chain voting tool.

1. EOSIO community could expect few project releases which were suggested by Daniel Larimer last year, which involve a DEX and Social Network..

2. Daniel has also hinted many times that Steem2.0/MEOS (social network) won’t be biased towards early adopters and people won’t be able to spam in order to earn quick bucks(much like Steemit), so we are expecting identity and URI launching on dApp layer.

3. Also, there are hints that we would see the launch of beta-projects targeting real-world elections and solutions trying to bring transparency in the current government structures. Identities oracle, if launched, will open a plethora of opportunity for EOSIO community.

4. We also feel the next phase will be about empowering the alternative EOSIO chains(MEET.ONE/Telos/BOS) which would help bring easy portability for dApps across all the networks.

Editor’s comment: Both Tanish and aLex are predicting that the government collaboration project is possibly an on-chain voting tool, Ross thinks it might be a private chain, Yves feels that it could be an official recognition that EOS is a utility token.

I would like to make a bold guess. Dan mentioned that in the future, most block producers will be large-scale dApps. I predict that large corporations, who are preparing to develop dApps on the EOS network, will be joining the BP election process. They will mainly be concerned with gaining power and influence within the network and not so much the block producer pay.

Jonny Zhao: an EOS wallet with secure enclave

Yvonne: We will see projects with new business models in core industries based on EOS.

Special partnership announcement with Apple.

Editor’s comment: Van Kai, Yvonne, and Eugene think that there will be cooperation with large corporations.

There will most likely be a social-network related product.

He mentioned two clues:

Clue 1: B1 registered the MEOS trademark, and clearly written in the description: blockchain and social network

Clue 2: B1 is hiring a “Content Moderator Lead” in Virginia (https://block.one/careers/jobs/content-moderator-lead/) The job description again clearly mentions social network. They are looking for a “lead” and the position is in Virginia, so it is likely an important position. This must mean that B1 is preparing to launch a social network. However, the social network will not take off unless they already have the EOS account registration problem solved. Dan mentioned in the hackathon that a hardware wallet can be used to prove unique identity and secure a private key. For example, a smartphone can be used to identify a unique user and secure a private key. This way, B1 can help onboard large numbers of new unique users by subsidizing them with free accounts without having to worry about people taking advantage of free accounts by creating thousands of accounts for themselves. (Another clue is that B1 is hiring iOS and Android developers in Virginia, this must mean that they plan to develop apps)

B1 has probably decided to hold such a large scale conference off-online instead of online for a reason. It would make the most sense if they are looking to attract the attention of the main-stream media so that more people would be aware of their upcoming product. A social-media product would be the most obvious conclusion.

Based on what I have gathered, I predict that we will see a new social media network(MEOS/steemit 2.0). It will be a large-scale dApp.

B1 will use all its resources to promote this. There might be UBI (for example from B1’s 10 million unlocked EOS), easy to use private key management, IBC, and/or a demonstration of how dApps might run on the EOS network. At the same time, Dan will use all his experience from developing Steemit and competely devote it to the new social network.

Building a social network is very difficult, especially one with a vibrant community. I have high expections for B1’s marketing, user onboarding and user retention plans.

I predict to see Block.one’s MEOS project is announced which we believe has the potential to become the first massively used blockchain-based social media platform. I also think that they may have a secret up their sleeve concerning the 10 million EOS tokens that will be available to them based on their vesting schedule. Maybe we’ll see them used to create free accounts to really boost user adoption?

1. Release a social network dApp MEOS (Dan will make many improvements based on his previous experience with Steemit), we might see UBI and a stable coin. Their might be legal risk for B1 to release a stable coin, so they might opt instead to release the codes.

2. Open source wallet and unique ID codes (similar to what Scatter has)

3. B1 might release codes for a new blockchain, block producers will be appointed by or under the control of B1

4. B1 might burn their 10 million unlocked EOS.

5. I think B1’s June conference will have a marketing effect similar to that of Apple’s.

Editor’s comment: B1’s 100 million EOS tokens slowly unlocks every day over 10 years. Ashe thinks B1 will burn what has been released, Bo and Josh think B1 will use the 10 million unlocked tokens to help users create free accounts. (The interviews were conducted separately, so neither Bo nor Josh knows what each other thinks)

With the 1st year anniversary of the EOS mainnet quickly approaching, the entire EOS community is on its toes waiting to see what B1 will unveil at its June 1st event in Washington DC. My guess (and hope) is that B1 will finally unveil the much anticipated MEOS social media blockchain solution, specifically in the form of open source software which BP’s will be able to leverage to launch social media-driven blockchains. Ultimately, B1’s core business is that of a software development company and an investment firm, and I do not expect that they will be launching any of their own blockchains. Rather, I expect B1 to continue focusing on its two core business lines, continue developing industry-leading software, and relying on entrepreneurs and BP’s around the world in launching blockchains utilizing their software.

Editor’s comment: Ashe and Rodrigo have opposing views regarding whether B1 will release a new blockchain.

1. Will allow BTC and ETH to be transferred cross-chain based on EOSIO (Dan and Brendan mentioned that BTC can be ported to the EOS network)

2. IBC and roadmap

3. B1 mentioned that they will release the MEOS dApp, however I don’t think that UBI will be part of it.

4. EOSIO lab will release more biometric identity related codes. B1 said that they will not develop their own wallet, so these codes will probably be released to the public.

Editor’s comment: Ashe and Kai have opposing views on whether or not UBI will be included in MEOS.

1. AcroEOS thinks B1 will talk about things related to REX, which is already running on the EOS network, in the upcoming June 1st conference.

2. At the same time, they might release detailed solutions for how to achieve unique ID and authentication. Reason: A few months ago, B1 released an article mentioning a passwordless future and how it can be achieved through “passes”. My guess is that they will release a detailed solution.

If we only need “passes” to achieve unique ID and authentication, then together with REX can lead to Dan’s URI.

We also have high hopes for B1’s future plans and roadmap.

1. B1 will probably release a new dApp, an EOS based social network. It will replace telegram and have lots more features.

2. Like Apple, B1 will not only release a new feature, they will release new concepts that no one has thought of. I highly anticipate it!

MEOS is the most highly anticipated dApp by the community.

Editor’s comment: The above interviewees are all filled with anticipation for MEOS and speculated on what it might encompass.

Though product improvements and innovations are highly anticipated, I hope that B1 can focus more on improving the foundations of EOS, helping to solidify EOS’s place as the “King of public chains”.

I have chatted a lot with the community, here is what I think:

1. A more convenient way for onboarding users

2. IBC

3. Biometric ID and wallet codes

4. Social network based on EOS.

5. Projects invested in by B1’s VC arm.

6. Stable coin based on EOS.

7. A more stable, secure and efficient version of EOSIO

8. Influential partnerships

Editor’s comment: Sven and Vikin both hope to see improvements in the EOSIO codes, solidifying EOS’s place as the “King of public chains”.

I have some thoughts on how a stable coin based on EOS might be designed.

Stable coins currently occupy an awkward position in the market; there is an irreconcilable conflict between a huge market demand and insufficient fiat backing. Because of the huge market demand, some stable coins are choosing to “print” more coins than they have fiat in reserves. If they act strictly according to the law and only release as many coins as they have fiat in reserves, they can never fulfill market demand. This is a major conflict currently. If an EOS based stable algorithm can be realized, it will deliver a huge shock for the stable coin market. Theoretically, it will find a balance between providing enough liquidity to satisfy market demand and having enough assets for backing. Of course that is not to say that the EOS stable coin algorithm will be perfect, but I believe it will take over a huge portion of the stable coin market.

I anticipate that B1 will release a EOS based stable coin.

Editor’s comment: Benny, Vikin, Ashe and Allen all mentioned a stable coin. Benny described what he thinks the market’s reaction will be to an EOS stable coin.

B1 will release new wallet codes and give out many free accounts. The new wallet can be used in conjunction with an iPhone like a cold wallet. It will be very convenient for the masses to use.

It’s possible we will see a hardware wallet, a browser, and identity solution, or maybe all of the above at #B1June.

It is also possible that all of our guesses and speculation over the last few months is incorrect, and B1 may pull out a big surprise. Either way, I am super excited!

Identity for universal basic income

Editor’s comment: The above interviewees predict that there will be a wallet, biometric scanner and an unique ID solution.

EOS is still the best block chain operating system, we will see B1 release their roadmap for how they plan to achieve large scale adoption in the June conference.

1. Decentralized Exchange



4. Hardware wallet

5. Unique identity solution

6. Roadmap

7. EOSIO 2.0

The views above are our interviewees’ personal opinions, and are not to be thought of as investment advice.

Ever since EOS came online almost a year ago, we have witnessed many proactive positive changes happening. Just as Dan said in April: Over the next year eosio will scale far faster than competition. Our journey with eosio is only beginning

Let’s cross our fingers!

Please leave a comment and tell us your thoughts and opinions!

We have created a poll for the top 10 predictions in twitter. Come and vote! What do you think will happen at #B1June?

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