Amine Mezzour — Co-Founder of Lalilo

Lilo Lalilo
Meet the Lalilo School Partnership Team!
2 min readJun 27, 2020

Favorite Book: La Puissance De La Joie by Frédéric Lenoir
Favorite Animal: Eagle
Favorite Travel Destination: The Seychelles & San Diego

An engineer by training, Amine surprised quite a few people when he chose to create a literacy software rather than join a prestigious company. After graduating from one of the most esteemed French universities, Amine had his choice of top positions at great companies. However, he couldn’t help to think that there might be a better way to put his technical skills to use. Rather than using Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence software for targeted advertisements, Amine and his co-founders envisioned bringing technological innovation to a more noble cause: Education.

Amine’s interest in education was first spurred during volunteer work with special education students. He realized how difficult it was to provide high quality differentiated instruction to each pupil. Later, he and his co-founding team began researching the education sector through classroom observations. One experience in particular still vividly stands out in his memory. Amine was listening to students read short sentences out loud one-by-one. Several students had trouble. However, one student in particular struggled with surprisingly easy words. After the lesson, Amine approached the teacher in order to better understand why she was so behind. The teacher looked at him and said, “I have 25 students and I can’t save them all.”

Soon after, Lalilo was born. Over the last four years Amine has learned an incredible amount about the people he works with. “The team at Lalilo all really believe that we can make an impact. In turn this makes me believe in Lalilo’s potential impact even more”. Amine has also gained a better understanding of the educational landscape.

Before working directly with educators he assumed many people joined the education sector for the benefits and great holidays. However, this changed completely once Amine started to meet and talk to teachers. “I have so much respect knowing what educators handle in their everyday work”. Now, Amine wants to focus on bringing educators the tools they need in order to hopefully enhance their efforts.

When Amine is down or excited Amine likes to play a little bit of piano and work out. Yet, what he enjoys most is spending time with his family. He loves being with not only his brothers and sisters, but his aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews! “I feel like they know me best and there’s nothing better than being with people who know you”.

