Mack Moyer — School and District Partnership Manager at Lalilo

Lilo Lalilo
Meet the Lalilo School Partnership Team!
2 min readJun 27, 2020

Favorite Book: Turn the Ship Around by David Marquet
Favorite Animal: Red Panda
Favorite Travel Destination: Florianopolis, Brazil

Nothing inspires Mack more than new experiences. “Because I grew up in a quiet town and attended a small university, the first thing I wanted to do when I graduated was get out and see the world” Mack explained. His first stop was South Korea for three years as an ESL teacher before spending eight years in Saudi Arabia. While Mack liked being in the classroom, it wasn’t the curriculum or pedagogy that motivated him. Instead, he discovered that he had a deep passion for people. He wanted to help others become the best version of themselves.

Mack also learned a lot about himself through his travels. When he came back to the United States after 14 years abroad to be closer to family, he knew he couldn’t settle for working for just any company. He wanted to be somewhere where he would continue to be challenged and grow. He was drawn to Lalilo partly due to it being a French-American Startup. “So many countries have great ideas that never spread past their own borders. I knew Lalilo would be bringing something different to the EdTech market and I wanted to be a part of it”.

The innovative adaptive learning technology behind Lalilo’s differentiated literacy program inspired Mack from the start. He had a feeling that great EdTech tools would be important. However, the COVID-19 crisis has proven that high quality digital education resources are essential. Now more than ever, he is proud to promote Lalilo’s breakthrough blended learning tool with teachers across the world.

Mack has had the amazing opportunity to travel to 99 countries in the world so far. On his days off he’s either planning his next trip or is on his way to fulfill his goal of visiting every country in the world and, of course, meeting as many people as possible along the way.

