How the admin view originated from partnering with District JohnSmith

Lilo Lalilo
Meet the Lalilo School Partnership Team!
3 min readJul 7, 2020

At Lalilo, we truly believe in the power of partnerships. Collaborating with districts which choose to use Lalilo for their students have proven to be a win-win solution. For districts, it is a win because they get to implement a solution which fully suit their particular needs. For Lalilo, it is also a win because we get to develop our product one step further, hand-in-hand with people who actually use our tool on the ground on a daily basis. In the long run, this will end up benefiting most people using Lalilo.

We wanted to illustrate how important collaboration is to us with a concrete example: District JohnSmith (the name has obviously been changed for privacy reasons). Here is what happened:

  • The supervisor of Digital learning of district JohnSmith got in touch with us to inquire about a quote. They were previously using another literacy program but they wanted to make a switch to a program which had a stronger K-2 Phonics component and which was more engaging for students.
  • However, this supervisor of Digital Learning wanted to be able to track and monitor how each class in each school of her districts was using Lalilo and if students made progress. This way she could give even better support to literacy coaches and teachers working at each school.
  • We brainstormed together and came up with the idea of an “admin view” which we developed in just about 3 weeks. Users tagged as “admin” were granted access to other teachers’ dashboards and student progress of specific school sites.

Since then, all administrators partnering with Lalilo benefit from this “admin view”: they can therefore track usage and progress to make sure the solution is effective. This would not have been possible without collaborating with District JohnSmith.

All in all, we are confident that the more we invest in our relationships with each school district and the more we tailor our product to their particular needs the more likely we are to reach our goal in the long-run: impact students’ outcomes postively.

If you are a school site or a district looking at creating a real partnership with a tool tailored to your students’ needs, do not hesitate to reach out :)

Together in learning,

The Lalilo Team

