The Benefits of Striking a Balance Between Confidence and Humility👇

Rob Johnston
Meet the Creatives
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2023

I have recently learned to value self-confidence while simultaneously recognizing that there is always room for improvement.

man surfing at sunset
📸 Naitian Wang

I have found that the best way to maintain a healthy balance of the two is to practice self-awareness and to be mindful of my behavior. When I start to feel too confident in my abilities, I try to remember that I can always learn more and that it’s important to always stay humble. On the other hand, if I am feeling too humble, I remind myself of my strengths and the skills I have that make me unique.

By maintaining this balance, I have been able to further grow and develop as a person. I have realized that I am capable of more than I thought, but I must also be willing to accept help and be open to new ideas. This balance has made me more open-minded and has helped me to better understand the perspectives of those around me.

Finding a balance between confidence and humility is something that I have come to value and strive for. It has allowed me to become more self-aware and to better understand the importance of recognizing one’s strengths and limitations. I am grateful to have found this balance and I will continue to improve on it in the years to come.

How do you strike a balance between confidence and humility?

#balance #mentalhealth #creativity



Rob Johnston
Meet the Creatives

Photographer. Designer. DJ. Host of Meet the Creatives.