Meet Tom Hennes!

The Flying Goats
Meet the Flying Goats!
2 min readSep 6, 2016

Name: Tom Hennes

Hometown: Grew up near Detroit. Been in NY since 1979, so it is definitely home now.

Favorite food: I live for seriously spicy Thai food (goat, included; sorry!). But not the day before a ride.

Person you would most like to meet: Oliver Sachs (no longer possible); John McPhee (still possible)

How many years you’ve done Braking AIDS: this is my second

Any other cycling events you’ve done: The Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail Century Ride, in Ohio.

A brief thought on why the ride matters: Housing Works came about because a few people saw an unmet need and decided it was important enough to meet. The Ride is a way that more of us can put some skin in the game and contribute in a larger way as a group than we could as individuals. It’s also a way for those of us who are positive to celebrate our own good fortune in a way that gives back to others, and honors those who didn’t make it.

Your 2016 fundraising goal: $30,000 — one thousand for each year since my diagnosis.

Support Tom’s fundraising!



The Flying Goats
Meet the Flying Goats!

A team of crazy, fun-loving cyclists determined to help end the AIDS epidemic. We ride in Braking AIDS, supporting Housing Works. Donate @