
3Brothers Coffee
Meet The Producer
Published in
2 min readJul 7, 2022

In Brazil, the Portuguese language is quite varied. For each word or term, there is a new interpretation that may vary according to geographic position or state in the Country. Creating a unique language, almost a dialect, full of terms and slangs that transform real words into public assets.

In the countryside, especially in the coffee region, the colloquial language of the people predominates. In our content, you can check a series of words that are kept in Portuguese, safeguarding the importance and identity of the language of the interior of Brazil. And that’s why we’ve organized this glossary, so you can know the meaning of these words and feel closer to our visits.

adubofertilizer / susbtance used in the plantation;
andanças — walks;
balaio — deep basket;
cachaça — distilled spirit made from fermented sugarcane juice;
café bóia — a overripe coffee;
catação — handpicking / a process where the coffee beans are sorted by hand;
cooperativa — collective;
compostagem — compost / mixture of decomposing plant and food waste and/or other recycled organic materials, that is used to fertilize and improve soils.
carro de boi — ox cart, bullock cart
candeeiro —
a person who keeps/handles a light, lightining the path for others;
derriçadeira — ‘handheld harvesting machine; harvesting machine. machine used to harvest the coffee from the tree;
descascador — depulper machine / machine used to strip flesh off coffee cherries;
marmita — lunchbox;
paineira — silk floss tree
pirambeira — cliff;
porteira — farmgate;
prosa — proses, conversation;
roça — countryside;
roçar — clear up a path or field area;
safra — harvest, crop;
saudade — feeling a person has when they miss someone or something; longing;
secador vertical — vertical dryier;
secador mecânico — mechanical dryer;
sítio — smallholding;
solo — soil;
semente — seed;
terreiro — ‘terrace’ or ‘brick patio’ — where the coffee is put out to dry;
tulha —
farm/grain bin. structure made for storing bulk materials;

