Beam-lievers by the Numbers: Episode I

Pooja S
Beam Journal


To 2018! The year 2017 was in many ways a defining year for Beam. With your support, we officially launched our mission to the public, released and upgraded Beam’s prelaunch site, and got just a bit closer to making Beam a reality for thousands of supporters and Beam-lievers.

While Beam’s waitlist steadily grows by the numbers (almost 40,000 now and counting!), our mission “To inspire Justice and Simplicity to banking and beyond” will remain unchanged in 2018. Learn more about our mission here.

While individually we can only attain the heights of an ally, together we will beam — attaining the pinnacles of not just the better, not just the best, but the best possible. In 2018, the collective New Year Resolution of yours truly Beam Team is to work towards giving access to our thousands of Beam-lievers not just the better rate, not just the best rate, but the best possible rate.

Who Are the Beam-lievers?

The near-40,000 Beam-lievers forms a passionate community. Who are we? Here are some interesting facts about Beam-lievers by the numbers.

Beam-lievers come from all 50 US states and territories. The above map highlights the most popular states. The top 10 states with the highest concentration of Beam-lievers are (non-surprisingly):

  1. California
  2. New York
  3. Texas
  4. Florida
  5. Illinois
  6. New Jersey
  7. Pennsylvania
  8. Georgia
  9. Massachusetts
  10. Washington

It’s also no surprise that most Beam-lievers live in large metro areas. Here are the top five:

  1. New York City
  2. San Francisco
  3. Los Angeles
  4. Chicago
  5. Washington DC
Data on Beam Demographics — By Device

While the vast majority of Beam-lievers hail from a mobile phone device, 30.5% prefer the comfort of a larger desktop screen, with a rebellious minority of 5.5% tablet users looking beautiful and cool.

Data on Beam Demographics — By Platform

Of those using mobile devices, iPhone still commands the lion share, with Android consisting another 35%, and a lonely 1% from other operating systems who love to “think different”.

Data on Beam Demographics — By Age

When it comes to age distribution, millennials take the lead, followed by our beloved Generation Xers and Generation Yers. Huge hearts and shout-outs to the 65+’ers who continue to lead us by example, illustrating how technology and innovation aren’t just toys dazzling certain age groups, but are destined for all.

We have a lot of other insights to share as we continue to keep you informed of our progress. As we close the chapter on 2017, we are grateful for your support as we work hard to bring our service to all of you. Wishing you the best for 2018 and beyond.

More insights to come as we continue our “Beam-lievers by the Numbers” series. Until next time!

