Extended Billie Hours, Android Coming…

Beam Journal
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2018

As our community of Private Beta users, Trial Account users and waitlisters continue to grow in numbers, we are working hard to improve Beam’s product features based on direct feedback from community of supporters just like you.

Recently, in response to a suggestion by a Trial Account user Andrea D. from Washington D.C. (thanks Andrea!), we’ve decided to expand the daily time window to collect Billies from the original 6pm to 7pm local time to 6pm to 9pm local time. With the three-times expanded “Billie hours”, we hope our community can have more flexibility in developing a relationship with our beloved “Billie”.

What is a Billie?

Billie is a reward rate booster that boosts your reward rate for the day while using the Beam app. As a Private Beta or Trial Account user, you can claim a free Billie each day in the app between (now) 6pm to 9pm local time. There are other ways to earn Billies, too. Download and request a Trial Account to learn more.

What’s the Big Deal about Billies?

If you are already a user of Beam’s Private Beta or Beam Trial Account, you know your Billies well. For the rest of our community, here are what some of our community members are saying about Billies:

“My kids look forward to the free Billie every evening after dinner. They call it feeding the Billie. We even see who gets the highest number and take turns ‘feeding Billie.’ The last two days in a row we haven’t gotten a free Billie come in at 6pm…Can you help us find out what went wrong?”

“I’m a Sabbath-Observer and therefore there would be one day a week that I would never be able to claim the Billie…it would be nice if it would be customizable by day.”

So, what’s the big deal about Billies? Answer: it matters to family and religion! :-) (And to the earlier user, we’re working hard to make sure our Billie delivery is on time! Email us if you have missing Billies and we’ll be sure to have the issue resolved.)

Beam is Your Product, Not Just Ours!

We will be announcing continuing updates as Beam’s product evolves. In particular, we will soon be rolling out our Android versions of the Private Beta and Trial Account, so stay tuned with our Beam Journal and look for regular email updates from us by white-listing “yourfriends@meetbeam.com” from your inbox.

As always, Beam is a product by our community, for our community. Email us if you have any product or feature suggestions. We’ll be listening intently!

