On the Price of Bitcoin

George Kikvadze
2 min readApr 26, 2019


I joined the Bitfury Group as Executive Vice Chairman in 2013, which means I have been following bitcoin professionally and personally for more than six years. In that time, I have seen at least five cycles of bitcoin price highs and lows and innumerable threats of “bitcoin dying” and announcements of “bitcoin arriving.” I am quite certain we are in the middle of another such cycle now — bringing an influx of price predictions, market analyses, misinformation and hope.

But there is an important note that needs to be made.

This is not a “bitcoin price jump.” It is the world recognizing bitcoin as a global, unstoppable platform. Bitcoin is not “magic internet money.” It is a network that enables you to pay anyone, from anywhere, that cannot be shut down by any country, government or individual.

This is not a “bitcoin price jump.” It is the serious advancement of the Lightning Network. Every #LN technical upgrade makes the technology more accessible to users and more convenient for merchants. Microtransactions, private bitcoin networks, and secure and fast global payments on the Bitcoin Lightning Network are on the horizon.

Bitfury’s Lightning Network wallet

This is not a “bitcoin price jump.” It is the growth of bitcoin-backed private blockchains and side chains that will tokenize assets, secure our identities and vastly improve the services we use every day. This means everything from a fairer music ecosystem to more transparent government services.

The music industry is complex — Bitfury Surround is working to make the industry more transparent and efficient for everyone.

This is not a “bitcoin price jump.” It is the beauty of controlled supply and deflationary design. Investors (big and small) are re-experiencing the stability and security that the gold standard brought to us and that bitcoin has improved upon.

This is not a “bitcoin price jump.” It is slow but sure recognition by regulators of the power of cryptocurrencies to improve our world. Bitcoin is no longer just an interesting invention — it is “shaking the system.”

This is not a “bitcoin price jump.” This is just the beginning of bitcoin’s meteoric rise and one of many indicators of its strong future.



George Kikvadze

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