We’re rewarding Cleo users who are keeping track of their money

Know Your Money? Learn, earn and win with Cleo

Kieran Doyle


Remember that survey we sent last year? We wanted to get to know you better, learn about your financial habits, and understand what makes you tick (well, from a money management point of view at least).

We had thousands of responses, got tons of great insights, and picked one lucky winner of a Sonos speaker (congrats Lee 🎉).

Where’s my money going?

The feedback we’ve heard over and over is that everyone wants to better understand where their money is being spent. It’s the #1 reason people sign up to Cleo.

We also know you love Cleo’s games! In fact, our Christmas games went down so well, 6,000 of you played on Christmas day alone.

With that in mind, we asked ourselves: how could we merge the two?

We built Your Year with Cleo, which asked questions about your spending throughout all of 2017. Over half of all Cleo users played the game, with an average score of 4/7.

Which is all well and good, but we wanted to bring spending awareness top-of-mind much more frequently. Which leads us to…

Introducing…Know Your Money

Today, we’re launching Know Your Money. Every week we’re giving away £100 as a reward just for knowing where your money goes. Sounds simple, right?

Know Your Money in action

How does it work?

Each Saturday, Cleo will ask 6 random questions about your spending throughout the week.

Which day did you spend the least?

Which category did you spend most on?

Where did you spend £13.05 on Wednesday?

Get all 6 questions right and you’ll win a share of the £100.

Yes, we are literally giving money away for tracking where you spend!

Cleo will tell the winners exactly how much they’ve won on Sundays at 5pm.

If you got a question wrong, or didn’t manage to play the game by that time, don’t worry: you can play again the following week.

Got feedback?

We hope the game will get you thinking about your spending whilst having some fun at the same time.

Questions too easy / hard? Did you win a share? Got some other feedback? Hit us up on Twitter or Facebook and let us know 🙌

