Meeting Application
MeetingApp Stories
4 min readMay 5, 2017


One of the most important data to measure your event success is attendance. The biggest your audience the better. However, there are so many competitive conferences that it is quite a challenge to draw attention specifically to your happening. Email marketing might be your best friend in completing this task. Once automated, it enables you to reach a huge number of people with minimum effort. Here are 10 tips on email marketing for events:

  1. Create a targeted email list

Avoid sending emails to the whole database. Your emails will be read only if they match recipient’s interests and needs. Manage your CRM so that you can filter contacts effectively. Try to assign categories to your contacts. This will make the whole process lot easier.

2. Pick an accurate email title

A heading should always correspond with the main message and inform about your actual goal. It is great if it is catchy at the same time. Do not use Re: or FWD in order to suggest there was some previous correspondence. It is the easiest way to be marked as spam. In addition, be quite open with your proposal.

3. Pay attention to email size

Remember that any graphics or attachment adds to a total e-mail weight. Antispam filters are sensitive to these two elements. That is why it is best to use them wisely. In addition, Gmail users may experience difficulties when opening 400 KB plus emails. As a result, try to stick to a minimum and focus on persuasive texts.

4. Ask your loyal customers to spread the news

It is a good idea to make use of your regular newsletter readers. Ask them to support you and spread the news via social media or email. Find a way to reward them. It might be a discount for your conference, a free online training or interesting report. It all depends on the recipient type.

5. Place an ‘unsubscribe’ link

Avoid sending emails without an ‘unsubscribe’ button. Remember to place a short note on how to do this as well. Otherwise, your campaign may cause lots of legal troubles and distress. Your recipient should always have the ability to resign from subscription.

6. Personalize your content

Try to always address your recipient interests and do not spam all mailboxes with the same content. The most influential free mailbox providers measure the quality of your emailing. For example, all Gmail conversations have an ‘engagement rate’. It is related to spam categorization. If your mail account has low engagement rate, your campaigns might be classified as junk messages. In addition, antispam filters check how many identical messages do you send. Beware of repetitiveness.

7. Write a benefit-focused message

If your email is about to increase ticket sales, it needs to present real benefits. Your recipient has to realize a networking, knowledge sharing or marketing advantage. Think of all aspects that may have an impact upon his/her decision. Choose the ones that apply to your average conference attendee.

8. Remember about a call-to-action button

Each email marketing message should engage your recipient and trigger his/her response. The easiest way to do this is to create a benefit-focused content and place a CTA button. Your action words should go along with specific text relating to your offer like ‘get the best presentation of 2016 ed.’. Remember that the color of your button matters. Green and orange are reported to work best.

9. Reserve some space for social proof

How does it work? We often shape our opinion based on the actions of other people. According to a BrightLocal research, 88% of consumers read online customer reviews to check out a given product quality. People tend to read a couple of reviews before they feel they can trust a certain business. In order to increase your online credibility, you may engage experts, celebrities, users or wisdom of crowds. It all depends on the type of event you want to promote.

10. Send your emails on a regular basis

In order to manage campaigns effectively, you need to update your database. Email addresses often change or become invalid. You need to keep your recipient list as accurate as possible if you do not want to be a spam sender. Do not send messages once per year. It is better to stay in touch with your target audience. Depending on the amount of the available content you may run campaigns once a week or a month. Whatever you choose remember to carry them out periodically.

These are 10 useful tips that you can easily introduce. If you click that heart button below, it means more people will see this article. Would mean the world to us :)Thanks!



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