MeetnGreetMe Personalized approach Pt.3 — Global Entrepreneurship Week in Minsk

Liza Deikun
MeetnGreetMe ICO
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2017

We are continuing to share with you MeetnGreetMe Case Studies to show you one of the main features of our platform — Personalized Approach.

Personalized approach — is something MeetnGreetMe philosophy is based on. Since MeetnGreetMe is a global platform connecting travelers and local people for getting personal concierge services, individual approach to each client is one of the fundamental principles of the service. During verification, we make sure that our MeetnGreeters share this principle of our platform, and they do everything possible to ensure that our Guests gain a tailor-made experience. MeetnGreetMe took personalized approach to a new level and here is another example of case studies, where our MeetnGreeters have done everything possible to fulfill even non-standard requests in the most personalized way.

We’ve already written about a Wild Bachelor Party that our MeetnGreeters organized for 6 Swedish guys, Top Oman Business Delegation in Minsk, and Assisting Blockchain Experts at an International Blockchain Conference.

Today we want to share with you how MeetnGreeters provided support at Global Entrepreneurship Week in Minsk, organized by Imaguru Start Up Hub.

Global Entrepreneurship Week is one of the busiest weeks in November for Belarusian businesses. Belarus joined Global Entrepreneurship Week in 2011 and became one of 137 countries participating in the largest entrepreneurial initiative around the world. More than 2000 participants, job creators and innovators from more than 20 countries attend this business event in Minsk, Belarus to launch startups, start international cooperations and plan new projects. Every year Imaguru Startup Hub welcomes foreign guests and international speakers. MeetnGreetMe is an active partner for Imaguru Startup Hub, so we are always ready to lend a hand with any matters when our help is needed.

We were commissioned to take care of all matters associated with business speakers visit to Minsk, Belarus and provided them with such services as

  • information support,
  • arranging transfer from and to the event,
  • booking restaurants,
  • interpreting and translation,
  • walking tour around Minsk,
  • and much more.

Having a large network of verified local MeetnGreeters in Minsk, Belarus, it was easy for us to provide GEW with English-speaking professional guides, concierges and interpreters.

We waited for speakers to finish their work at seminars, workshops and conferences and then took care of their needs. Our MeetnGreeters provided interpreting services at business events and tour guide support afterwards. The speakers were taken around the city and treated to the best local food. We also introduced guests to the main representatives of Belarusian business community and provided information about education and business situation in Belarus. MeetnGreeters were always there whenever international speakers needed any help or just a good company.

International guests enjoyed their visit and knew that all issues were covered.

Individual requests are often quite challenging, but their successful implementation makes both Guests and MeetnGreeters satisfied and this positive experience motivates them to continue using our platform, which contributes to the growth of its good e-reputation.

