MeetnGreetMe Personalized approach Pt. 5— Delegation from Finland Visit to Minsk

Liza Deikun
MeetnGreetMe ICO
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2017

We are continuing to share with you MeetnGreetMe Case Studies to show you one of the main features of our platform — Personalized Approach.

Personalized approach — is something MeetnGreetMe philosophy is based on. Since MeetnGreetMe is a global platform connecting travelers and local people for getting personal concierge services, individual approach to each client is one of the fundamental principles of the service. During verification, we make sure that our MeetnGreeters share this principle of our platform, and they do everything possible to ensure that our Guests gain a tailor-made experience. MeetnGreetMe took personalized approach to a new level and here is another example of case studies, where our MeetnGreeters have done everything possible to fulfill even non-standard requests in the most personalized way.

We’ve already written about a Wild Bachelor Party that our MeetnGreeters organized for 6 Swedish guys, Top Oman Business Delegation in Minsk, Assisting Blockchain Experts at an International Blockchain Conferenceand Global Entrepreneurship Week in Minsk, and Norwegian Blogger Exploring Mir Castle.

Today we want to tell you about about how we MeetnGreeted a business delegation from Finland in Minsk during their first leisure visit to Belarus.

Junction is Europe’s largest hackathon, organized annually in Helsinki, Finland. It’s a converging point for over a thousand developers, designers, and entrepreneurs from around the world. Organizers of Junction 2016 turned to MeetnGreetMe for support during their large group visit to Minsk in January. It was hard for guests to find relevant information online and make all arrangements at a distance.

We were commissioned to take care of all matters associated with business delegation visit to Minsk, Belarus and provided them with such services as

  • information support,
  • arranging transfer from and to the airport,
  • booking restaurants and choosing dishes from the menu,
  • booking tours at Stalin Line and Olivaria brewery museum,
  • interpreting and translation,
  • booking karting,
  • and much more.

We have a large base of local MeetnGreeters in Minsk, Belarus, so we managed to find great personal concierges on time. Due to partner programmes and trust we’ve managed to develop with local businesses, we could quickly make all the necessary arrangements and provide them on time.

We arranged transfer and met the delegation at the airport to make sure they got to Minsk without any difficulties. Our interpreters helped all members of the group check-in and complete all arrangements connected with restaurants and finalizing menus with their administrators, as all delegates had different food preferences. During their stay in Minsk our Finnish guests visited the Theatre of Opera and Ballet, rode tanks and shot from war-time guns at Stalin line, drove karts at the largest karting center in Minsk and tried traditional Belarusian food.

Finland group members had a good time in Minsk, enjoying the true Minsk, traditional food and best activities in the capital of Belarus, and around it. Some foreign guests promised to come back to Minsk again in the future, since it has become visa-free for many international visitors.

