Grading #DemDebate2 in Detroit

Grant Stern
Meet The Candidates 2020
6 min readAug 1, 2019
Image source: The Hill TV

This is a news analysis story grading each candidate in the second night of the second round of Democratic 2020 primary election debates held on July 31st, 2019 in Detroit, Michigan.

Each candidate will be graded by “Meet the Candidates 2020” author Grant Stern and series editor Scott Dworkin in the reverse order in which they spoke for opening and closing arguments starting with Vice President Joe Biden and ending with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Last night’s debate featured a pretty detailed policy debate between Democrats with a progressive vision versus Democrats with more moderate views.

“Some of the people on stage tonight clearly demonstrated that they can become the next President of the United States,” says Dworkin. “It’s good that these candidates are shining a light on each others’ history during the debates, so there are no October surprises from the 2020 Democratic nominee.”

“The second Democratic debate field clearly demonstrated that they learned from the mistakes their some of their colleagues made on night one,” says Stern. “Most of the candidates were in excellent form, and turned their focus against Donald Trump, instead of each other, at least for most of the night.

The Grades

  • Vice President Joe Biden

“Joe Biden did pretty well at handling the constant barrage of attacks,” says Dworkin. “It’s too bad that he didn’t get a lot of time to talk about his policies in the shortened debate format with nine other challengers. He beat expectations.” Grade: A-

“The Vice President forcefully defended his record tonight,” says Stern, “but he left opportunities on the table, especially the chance to highlight his role in the Violence Against Women Act, the Assault Weapons ban and the sex offender registry. Expectations were lower after the last debate, and he exceeded them but must improve in the next round. Still, surviving ‘Everyone vs. Joe’ must feel satisfying to Biden, and it should.” Grade: B+

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 voter’s guide to Vice President Biden on Amazon or Barnes and Noble, which is on sale for only $1.99 in e-book format.

  • California Senator Kamala Harris

“Senator Harris did not answers that didn’t fit within the time frame tonight,” says Dworkin. “so she didn’t land a lot of applause lines. For the first time, Harris got stuck in the weeds with her explanations and mounted a surprisingly weak defense of her record as a prosecutor.” Grade: C

“Kamala Harris set expectations at the ceiling during the first debate,” says Stern, “but she didn’t look prepared to face the kind of attacks herself, that the former California AG dished out to set herself apart in the first debate. This was not her night, but she lives to fight another day.” Grade: C

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 voter’s guide to Senator Harris on Amazon or Barnes and Noble, which is on sale for only $1.99 in e-book format.

  • New Jersey Senator Cory Booker

“Cory Booker won the debate tonight, hands down,” says Dworkin. “He displayed something that he has, that no other candidate has, and it can defeat Donald Trump; his positivity was intoxicating. If the Booker we saw in Detroit arrives at a debate with Trump, he will mop the floor with him.” Grade: A

“Senator Booker just reminded America why he’s been a household name ever since his days as Mayor of Newark,” says Stern. “He went from the middle of the pack to a candidate who must make the September debates. This was a presidential performance by the senator from New Jersey.” Grade: A+

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 voter’s guide to Senator Booker on Amazon or Barnes and Noble, which is on sale for only $1.99 in e-book format.

  • Businessman Andrew Yang

“I think Andrew Yang has some smart ideas,” says Dworkin, “but his signature $1,000 a month, guaranteed income plan tends to drown out his other policy positions. His stronger than expected debate performance tonight could lead to a role in the next Democratic administration if Trump is defeated.” Grade: B-

“Yang won the most improved candidate award last night,” says Stern, “even though many of his lines were the same as the first debate. He even demonstrated both a strong grasp of the Iran nuclear deal and showed a politician’s touch by pivoting to give a second answer beyond the question, deftly delivering an attack on Trump’s foreign policy. Must talk yet slower to increase his impact.” Grade: B

  • HUD Secretary Julián Castro

“Julian Castro didn’t present his ideas in the most digestible format for the American people,” says Dworkin, “but his one-liners landed hard, especially when he said ‘Thank you, Obama’ and slammed ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell.” Grade: B+

“If Secretary Castro doesn’t catch fire in the primary balloting,” says Stern “he might already have the Vice Presidential nominee on lockdown. Once again, the former San Antonio Mayor demonstrated his total command of the debate stage. Can he break out in the polls now?” Grade: A-

  • Hawaii Congressman Tulsi Gabbard

“Congresswoman Gabbard looked significantly better on the debate stage compared to her first out,” says Dworkin. “However, her foreign policy entanglement with Putin’s surrogate in Syria, the butcher Assad, is so disqualifying, there’s no way she lands the Democratic nomination. She is an apologist for those violent dictators.” Grade: NR

“While the Hawaii Congresswoman definitely looked better on stage,” says Stern, “even a single question about her foreign policy or her self-ish misadventures as a DNC Vice Chair both demonstrate amply that she has no path to the nomination. How long until a debate moderator unmasks the truth about her? This cannot happen soon enough.” Grade: NR

  • New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

“This was a major improvement for the senator from New York,” says Dworkin, “and her line about using Clorox on the Oval Office is a great sound bite. Will it be enough to propel her into the third debate? Unsure.” Grade: B

“Senator Gillibrand had the best night of her campaign in Detroit,” says Stern, “when she decided to explain white privilege, and dropped some good one-liners. But she looked like she was waiting for those scripted moments, and not always paying full attention to the questions. Even if she does advance to round three, her past could haunt her.” Grade: B-

  • Washington Governor Jay Inslee

“Washington state’s Governor wants to be the climate change truth-teller,” says Dworkin, “but even though it’s his singular focus, every other Democratic candidate seems to have a solid idea of how to combat climate change.” Grade: C-

“Governor Inslee had a bounce-back performance compared to his first debate,” says Stern, “However, he struggled as the night wore on, and his answers grew more muddled. If the next president creates a Cabinet position to fight climate change, he’ll have that role on lockdown, and for good reason.” Grade: C+

  • Colorado Senator Michael Bennet

“Michael Bennet didn’t break through or stand out tonight,” says Dworkin. “In all likelihood, his campaign for president will be over soon.” Grade: D

“Senator Bennett gave phenomenal, scripted opening remarks,” says Stern, “and his impassioned speech about the 2013 immigration bill that he got through the senate really hit home. Unfortunately, that bill didn’t work out, and it looks like his presidential campaign may follow suit shortly after a muddled second half of last night’s debate.” Grade: C-

  • New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio

“Mayor de Blasio’s attack on Joe Biden was misguided,” says Dworkin, “and the Democratic primary doesn’t need someone with the subtlety of a bulldozer. This is the end of the line for his campaign.” Grade: F

“The Mayor once again showed that his politics are local, not national,” says Stern. “Even though New York City has a population greater than nineteen states, de Blasio didn’t demonstrate the kind of political sophistication necessary to be competitive in a presidential primary, during either debate. His city needs him, and he needs to focus on his day job.” Grade: F



Grant Stern
Meet The Candidates 2020

Miami based columnist and radio broadcaster, and professional mortgage broker. Executive Editor of This is my personal page.